Have you ever had a moment where you felt you were being asked to do something big? Something beyond yourself and your immediate zone of comfort? I have a real heart for adoption. As some of you know, we can no longer have children, and while we are blessed beyond measure with the 5 beautiful, healthy kiddos we have… we felt like our journey was cut short in an act that was out of our control. We have talked a LOT about the possibility of adopting a child into our family and are waiting to see if that is something God is asking us to do. Right around the time I was calling adoption agencies looking into the logistics of adoption where I live, I received an email out of the blue from someone on my blog. This person was reaching out to see if I would help her share about her fundraising campaign to help fund their adoption. After hearing her story I was so moved, it seemed like perfect timing considering our own heart for adoption and I responded with a resounding YES!

Meet Marissa
Marissa and her husband are working on funding their adoption. They are selling beautiful hand-stamped necklaces with the message “UNLESS” stamped on it. Why not buy a gift for someone that is going towards a great cause? Read more of their story below!
“One afternoon I was reading Dr Seuss’ “The Lorax” to my kids, and a quote near the end of the book hit me with a completely fresh meaning. He said “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” I have read this book and seen the movie many times but for whatever reason, on that day, reading those that day reminded me that there are problems in this world, and God wants me to be a part of the solution.
And out of that fresh awakening, I was inspired. It struck me that each of us has an UNLESS. Right now my husband and I are living in Virginia Beach and we are planting a church, however, that’s not mine. For me it’s adoption. We have been called to the long, hard, and beautiful path of adopting a sibling group from Bulgaria. So, my current UNLESS is funding an adoption, and getting my family to a place that we are ready for grow our family.
Your UNLESS may be staring a business, volunteering at a homeless ministry, being a committed spouse, hosting a Bible study or small group, adopting, or taking care of your health and fitness. I believe that we all have several UNLESSes (yeah…not sure that’s a real word, but you’re trackin with me right?) in our life.
Unless you act out your love for God, in the way the He designed you, toward the issue that your currently focused on the world will not see your love for God, and His plan for this world and the people He loves so greatly.
I know that my family and the lives of the kids in Bulgaria that will be a part of our family one day, will never be what God has in mind for us until we are together. And UNLESS we raise the money, we will not see that beautiful plan of God fleshed out.
So, here’s your next step: figure out what your UNLESS is. You may have several equal sized ones, or you may be in a season where one UNLESS is getting more of your time, but you do have at least one…name it!
As a little “Thank You” gift for taking time to read this, I’d love to give you 10% off your own UNLESS necklace or bracelet. Just use the coupon code:HIP16″