This week we decided to get some bunnies for the kids. It was really a last minute decision, I had bunnies growing up and the more we talked about it, the more we thought they would be the perfect fit for our family! We found 4 little bunnies for $60 and were given some free cages and bunny food from a friend. So far we haven’t spent more than the initial $60 as they are living pretty much on grass, clover, dandelions, and greens from our salads. Each kid got to choose their own and we have been learning all about bunnies this week in our homeschool lessons. Make sure to pin this image for future reference!

Although we do not unschool (yet anyways) we do like to tailor the kids’ education to things that interest them. Especially for subjects such as science and socials. So we have been to the library looking for books on bunnies, reading on the internet and learning whatever we can to care for our new littlest additions.
Learning about holes in Mother Goose Time
It was a pleasant surprise to find a lesson about bunny homes in our Mother Goose Time curriculum as well (how awesome is it when your lessons correlate)! We opened up our bag all about holes and had a good long talk about bunnies. The kids were super excited to make their own bunny ear headband and had a lot of fun decorating it!
- Coming out of her “hole” (the coffee table)
- This little bunny was hopping to find some fresh grass
- This bunny popped out of his “hole” (the laundry basket) and was surprised to see me!
The kids had a lot of fun building holes throughout the house that they could hide in. From laundry baskets to coffee tables to making their own holes out of pillows and blankets, it was a bunny-hopping good time over here!
5 Interesting Facts about Bunnies
Check out these 5 interesting facts on what we learned about bunnies this week:
1. Bunnies eat fresh hay, grass, greens (such as leafy carrot tops, beet tops, etc) and vegetables. Most of their diet should come from hay and greens. You can also buy rabbit pellets (which have all the food they need) for them to eat in the wintertime when fresh food is scarce but they still need lots of fresh hay/grass/greens to keep their stomachs healthy.
2. Bunnies love to hide. In the wild they dig holes and burrows and hide in those, it also keeps them warm in the winter and safe from predators. When you have them as pets, it is important to give them a box of some kind for them to hide in. They feel safe and like to make their “nest” to sleep in.
3. A young rabbit is called a kit or a kitten, a female rabbit is called a doe and a male is called a buck! I guess if someone is talking about a large buck they saw, you have to clarify if they are talking about a deer or a rabbit 😉
4. Bunnies like to live together in groups and live up to 10 years long!
5. Rabbit gestation is between 28-31 days and they can get pregnant each month if they aren’t separated from the male. Babies are born without hair and their eyes are closed. They look a bit like a baby rat but soon fill out with fur and are as cute as ever!
Favorite things Friday
Remember, both myself and my co-host Rachel will be visiting all the posts linked up and featuring one on EACH of our blogs and social media channels! We hope this link up helps each of you out and can’t wait to read your posts!
Featured Post :
This week’s featured post is by Simply Diligent titled, “Making Time for Mom-Sleep Stuff“. As moms, getting enough sleep can be a HUGE challenge and yet it is so important to the tone and attitude of our day! This post has 11 awesome tips on how to make sure you get enough sleep and they are both practical and insightful! It was a great reminder for me and I am looking forward to implementing a few of them more into my routine. To read more simply click on the image or CLICK HERE and make sure you pop over and say hi on her Facebook page HERE.
Make sure to hop on over to my co-host at Simply Rachel to see her featured pick!
The Rules
1. Before you start: Put a link back or button in the bottom of the post you are linking up (or sidebar if you are using a button) – if we don’t see a link you will not be eligible to be featured so this step is important!

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Hip Homeschooling
Simply Rachel
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3. Visit a few other posts that interest you! We want to make this link up worthwhile for you to come and visit each week, this means we ALL want to see some traffic from it. So be a good sport and find out what your fellow bloggers have been up to!
4. Check in every Friday to see if you were featured on either of our blogs! If you were, grab your button below!

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OK, Enough Talk… Link Up or post in the comments your favorite moments of the week!
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