One of the best things about my relationship with my husband is how much fun we have together. Yes, he is my team-mate, my lover, my best friend… but the real magic is in the laughter. When we have been too serious for too long, we start getting snappy and impatient which inevitably leads to fighting. We have found that our relationship’s best medicine is to put aside the roles and responsibilities of it all: wife/husband, mom/dad… and goof off.

Too mature for play?
I can’t speak to every relationship out there, but I know for ourselves that the best way to de-escalate and blow off steam is to grab a pillow and start a pillow war. Or maybe hide under his side of the bed and give him a good scare. Tickles and play-fighting and silly dances and grabbing the kids’ toy nerf gun and starting “home laser tag”. The opportunities are endless! The minute we start playing, all bets are off, tension is released and we finish in a heap of laughter with a lot more love and affection between us than we had just 5 minutes ago.
I know I will never be too mature for play. If you could walk into my home when my guard was down, you would see me making up ridiculous songs about ridiculous things with my kids and doing a horrible dance at the same time. You’d see me crawling on the floor like a lion chasing them around the house and playing hide and seek. I like to play, I like to be silly and goofy and I really don’t think I will ever be too “mature” to get on the floor and lose all semblance of decorum. It’s just not me.
I am not the smiling, gentle mom and wife who never raises her voice and never loses her composure. Graceful is a word I have never and probably will never use in the same sentence as my name. I used to look at some of my more calm-mannered, tactful, graceful friends and pray that God would give me their personality instead of my own, volatile, embarrassing, passionate, intense, goofy, ridiculous nature. However, God did not give me much grace. I will never walk in high heels. I will never be fully dressed and made up every day (once a week tends to be my average). I will never be able to read a story calmly with my children without ten different voices and a million different pauses to act it out.
I will voice my opinions, I will express myself, I will be passionate and intense. I will yell sometimes, I will sing songs that possibly embarrass my husband, I will smack his bum in the middle of the grocery store or kiss him passionately when his buddies are looking just to embarrass him and make him laugh. I will tickle him and play catch and hide and seek and pillow wars and countless other spontaneous things that pop into my head. I will love passionately and PLAY passionately. I will never stop surprising him with something new that throws him off guard and makes him laugh, and he does the same with me.
This, my friends, is the best part of our relationship. I challenge you today to do something totally spontaneous and FUN with your hubby. Just shock him with it. While he is washing dishes, throw a bit of water at him and see what happens. Flick him with the end of your towel. Do something today that makes him do a complete double take and bring laughter and hilarity to your relationship.
Favorite things Friday
Featured Post :
This week’s featured post is by Embark on the Journey titled, “Free Apple Printable for PreK-1”. Who doesn’t love free printables? Especially ones that are right on target with the season! You’ll also get some great ideas of different activities you can do to build on the concepts student’s learn in the printable pack. To read more and get your free printable pack, simply click on the image or CLICK HERE and make sure you pop over and say hi on her Facebook page, let’s show her some like love!
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