Bible journaling is HUGELY popular. Women everywhere are getting out their watercolors, their markers and highlighters and colored pencils and filling their Bibles with color… with art. If you have ever typed the words “Bible Journaling” into a search window, you may be like me, completely overwhelmed with where to get started. I’ve never considered myself artistic before, and yet the beautiful colors and swirls and doodles and hand lettering that people are doing in the margins of their Bibles make me want to be!
So this post is for people like me: people who are drawn to the beauty and expression and creativity of Bible journaling but just don’t know where to start. I will begin by showing you my favorite Journaling Bible and then we will talk about some of the different tools and mediums you can use and where to find inspiration. Plus keep reading to enter to win a beautiful leather journaling Bible for free!

Bible Journaling Tool #1: A Journaling Bible
The single most important tool you need to begin Bible Journaling is a Bible. Did you know they actually make Bible’s specifically for journaling now? Publishers saw the trend begin to form and they were on it! They started making extra wide Bibles with margins for space for notes. With so many out there, it can be hard to figure out the best one for you. To begin with, you need to figure out your ideal translation, then you need to think about what kind of cover you are looking for. There are Bibles available that are hardcover, soft cover, imitation leather and leather in all different translations. If you are looking for a good place to search, I found mine directly on Zondervan’s website HERE.
I spent a lot of time searching for the perfect journaling Bible for me. I knew I wanted one that is leather and the wrap around style of this one just blew me away! It is so pretty and the leather is soft and warm. I was looking for NIV as that is the version I have memorized most of my scriptures in. When I came across this one on Zondervan’s website, I knew I had found my match! The margins are lightly ruled to give some structure, but not enough that they are too obvious from afar. It lays completely flat when it is open and has a ribbon marker. Now I had my journaling Bible, time to get journaling!
Bible Journaling Tool #2: Adding Color!
There are so many tools people use in their journaling Bibles, you really can use anything! I have heard people’s concerns about it showing through on the other side and the reality is, that is part of the beauty of Bible journaling! Your pages might crinkle when you turn them or turn up at the edges, you might have color showing on the other side. It all adds to the charm of your Bible and gives you a palate to create something different on the other side! So first of all, don’t be afraid to experiment! Here are a few of my go-to tools for Bible journaling (and they aren’t expensive!).
1. You will need some good pens that are waterproof if you are going to be using watercolor. I love the felt pens from Micron. They are smooth and last forever, and best of all, they are cheap!
2. If you want to experiment with watercolors, I recommend getting this starter kit. It is what I bought and it comes in a little travel case which makes it easy to take anywhere! Even with my kids getting into them and using them like acrylic paint, they still last forever 😉
3. If you are painting in your journaling Bible, you definitely want an assortment of paint brushes. Again, you are going for quality but we want to not spend a fortune, this is a happy middle ground.
4. Lastly, and this is probably one of the most important tools if you aren’t sure about watercolors, is colored pencils! Though I have been known to steal my kids’ school ones, I do recommend a softer one that is meant for art, such as the prismacolors.
These tools won’t cost you a fortune and will give you a good enough start to do some hand lettering in your Bible, experiment with some watercolors and add color and artistic flair with some quality pencil crayons! The key here is to not be afraid, try new things, experiment with new mediums and have fun with it!
Bible Journaling Tool #3: Inspiration!
Pinterest, Pinterest, Pinterest, oh and did I say Pinterest? The BEST place for Bible journaling inspiration is Pinterest. And lucky for you, I have an entire board that I pin to weekly JUST for that purpose! So follow my board and you can get weekly inspiration in your feed! Let me find inspiration for you!
Enter to win a leather journaling Bible!
Now the news you have all been waiting for… I am so excited to have partnered with Zondervan to bring you a HUGE giveaway for this beautiful leather journaling Bible! It is worth $129.99 USD and we get to give away one of them for FREE! The giveaway is open to both the US AND Canada, so you have no excuse but to enter! I have recently started a BRAND NEW site with my sister-in-law all about encouraging women and creating a community of support. This is all part of our big launch, so make sure to get your extra entries by checking out Grace Sisterhood, following our social media (young though it may be) and telling me what you think of our new blog!