I used to review curriculum, now I create it

5 Reasons my House is a Mess when You Come Over

Many people have asked me how I keep my house clean with 5 young children, the short answer… I don’t. Every day is a battleground with me: the vacuum, the dish pile, and the laundry pile. Every day I go through my lists and tidy up the random chaos of my home. And yet every single day, usually around 7pm, I am faced with the reality that I would be horrified if someone showed up for an evening tea. I cannot help but feel a sinking feeling when there is an unexpected knock at the door. Here are the top 5 reasons I have a messy house when you come over.

5 reasons I have a messy house when you come over

1. I have a messy house because my kids never stop eating.

My kids NEVER stop eating, therefore they constantly need food, therefore I am constantly in the kitchen preparing food. How can I clean when my life revolves around preparing snacks and meals and then cleaning it up? “This is the song that never ends…” 5 little plates, 5 little forks, 5 little mouths that need water, 5 little voices asking for second helpings.

[tweetthis remove_hidden_hashtags=”true”]I have a messy house because I never leave the kitchen #thestruggleisreal #rebeccaspoonerpg[/tweetthis]

2. I have a messy house because I have young children.

ANY mother of young children understands (or should understand) that life with littles is hard! I spend my days running after tornado toddler and princess preschooler, who seem to get in the worst kinds of trouble when they are together! If you come over and see a mess, before you pass judgement, count the little eyes peering at you through the window… and have grace! Little kids need you ALL. THE. TIME.

[tweetthis remove_hidden_hashtags=”true”]I have a messy house because I have little kids! #thestruggleisreal #hatersgonnahate #truth[/tweetthis]

3. I have a messy house because I live in a virtual hamster wheel.

I don’t sit down. I run from one crisis to the next (and trust me, there is ALWAYS a crisis). I stop arguments and snuggle my clingy toddler. I put bandaids on owies and sing songs. I make meals and teach school. I run around and around and around this house and I am lucky to go to the bathroom alone let alone vacuum the front entrance! The level of mess in my house is a pretty good indicator of just how chaotic my day has been.

[tweetthis remove_hidden_hashtags=”true”]My house is a mess because I am lucky to go to the bathroom let alone vacuum the front entrance![/tweetthis]

4. I have a messy house because I am so so tired.

By the time I can finally sit down and rest my weary bones (I may be only 28, but I swear the kids have slowly sucked the life out of my marrow), I am downright exhausted. I COULD sit and clean the house from top to bottom before dropping mercifully into my bed. OR I could sit and blog for you lovely people, or have a tea and a hot bath, or visit with my husband, or work on my new traveler’s notebook (stay tuned for more info on my emerging planner addiction). 9 times out of 10, I choose to “let it go” once the kids are in bed. I clock out! I have come to the low reality of “what’s the point?” Because really, it will ALL have to be done and redone again tomorrow!

[tweetthis remove_hidden_hashtags=”true”]I have a messy house because come 7pm I am ready for some much needed ME time![/tweetthis]

5. I have a messy house because I have more important things to do.

Here it is, the final word on why I have a messy house when you come knocking… I have more important things to do. Those fingerprints on my window mean that we can hardly wait to go outside and explore! The sand all over my front entrance means we spent the day at the ocean, adventuring together. The toys all over the floor in my basement mean that we played today! The dishes all over my kitchen counter mean that we ate together as a family. The disaster in my school room means that (booya) we did school! If I sat down and prioritized my life, feeding my kids, doing school with my kids, and playing with my kids, not to mention my full time job ALL take priority over cleaning my house! And because of the young age of my children, those things don’t leave me much time for anything else.

[tweetthis remove_hidden_hashtags=”true”]My house is messy because I am snuggling my toddler instead #hatersgonnahate[/tweetthis]

So what if I have a messy house…

So yes, I have a messy house most of the time. If you are a mom with 5 or 6 kids and you can manage to maintain order and organization while still having time for yourself, or working, or spending time with your husband… then you need to guest post on this blog and tell us how you do it! But I suspect that you struggle along with me, that you wish your guests had come knocking yesterday when you’d had time to clean instead of today when you’re living in sweats and a ponytail. Life with littles is hard my friends! I’ll leave you with one of my favorite quotes:

The cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow
But children grow up as I’ve learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs; Dust go to sleep!
I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep. -By Ruth Hulburt Hamilton

[tweetthis remove_twitter_handles=”true” remove_hidden_hashtags=”true”]So quiet down cobwebs; Dust go to sleep! I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep-By Ruth Hamilton @Hhomeschooling[/tweetthis]

I used to review curriculum, now I create it!