One of the things that I learned about homeschooling language arts is how we run around doing SO MUCH and yet accomplishing very little. We have a quantity approach and yet I think we need a quality approach. Language Arts is infused into everything we do, every subject we teach, every part of our day. Our kids are getting so much of it and when we sit down and hammer them with curriculum book after curriculum book to teach:
writing elements
creating writing
We are killing their enthusiasm for learning and probably our own enthusiasm for teaching them.

So what do you do about it?
You re-assess! You take a look at what you are doing and how you can change and tweak your homeschool! In today’s podcast I am going to share some of my top recommendations. Links that I refer to are:
The Learning Style Quiz
The Homeschool Style Quiz
Brave Writer – watch my video about our Brave Writer experience here
My Instagram Feed
And the hashtag I tell you to research is #bravewriterlifestyle. This is a meat and potatoes kind of podcast. You will probably want a pen and paper and a few minutes of silence because this is less about listening to me and more about listening to your kids, your experience, your heart and your vision for homeschooling.