Homeschooling teens can be a huge challenge. Your kids are ready for more of a challenge, their interests and passions become more integral to their performance. They need more sleep and are more interested in getting social and involved. School is very likely the last thing on their minds. So how do you keep your teens motivated? What are some practical things you can try to keep them on track with their studies and not feel like you are nagging them every day to keep up? In today’s podcast episode, I followed the outline of a blog post I wrote about this a few years back. It is based not on my homeschooling experience but rather my homeschooled experience. I was homeschooled through these tumultuous years and I can tell you that there are some simple changes you can make that will help you reach your teen or preteen and shift the dynamic from teacher to mentor. You can listen to this episode right here in my blog or you can subscribe to me on iTunes or Stitcher by hitting the buttons below and get my weekly podcast delivered right to your computer!
Links discussed in this episode
(some of these are affiliate links, for more information, view my disclosure policy)
Homeschooling Teens Blog Post
Have a New Teen by Friday
Raising a Modern-Day Knight
Cure for the Common Life
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