What happens when Daddy takes over? When my husband offered to let me nap and insisted HE would do Mother Goose Time with the kids, I was skeptical to say the least. I mean, did he know what to do, how it worked, where to find the bags, what day we were on?????? And for goodness sake, DON’T FORGET THE PICTURES!!!!!! 😉 I can’t even begin to tell you the blogger temptation I felt to sneak downstairs and take some pics of him teaching on my smartphone. I mean, this was breaking news, it needed to be documented! But instead I honored his sweet gesture and slept, it was epic.
It’s another Favorite things Friday and that means sharing all of our favorite moments of the week! So make sure to link up your posts or comment below so we can read what you’ve been up to this week!
My Favorite Thing: When School Happened While I SLEPT!
I really can hardly believe I am writing these words. I was at the end of my rope. I was exhausted! When Jonathan told me to sleep I told him I couldn’t, and started listing off the regular list of excuses. Until he told me “don’t worry about it, I’ll do it all, just rest”. Um, say wha?
It was the most heavenly, deep, blissful sleep of my life. Why you ask? Because not only was I getting to sleep in the afternoon while my kids were safe and being watched by someone BUT my list was being accomplished at the same time!
But the Real Question is… How Did it Go????
I guess it is one of their little secrets I will never know. He said it went fine, the crafts were lining the table afterwards, the camera had pictures, the kids said it was “epic”. So… good? I think?
Jonathan said he spent a lot of time learning about what is IN different rooms of the house.
What is this? -a bathroom
How do you know?
Using objects and clues to help recognize the world around them.
Aliyah looks a bit concerned that Daddy is doing school with them.
One of the highlights of the day for them was the month’s theme poster. Aliyah is 3 and Jonathan said she had a lot of fun comparing the home in the poster with our home. Deciding which room was which, etc.
With the older kids, they played games. They used the other magnifying glasses and Jonathan talked with them about our home address and how we can tell different houses apart.
Take a look at what I came downstairs to find:
I think all in all it was a huge success. I have a tendency to take over, to do all the schooling in our home simply because I know what we are doing (and I love it, who am I kidding). I think having me out of the way though gave my homeschooling dad a chance to try Mother Goose Time for himself. To see what the kids were learning and try to adapt it to fit in with all the different ages and stages of our family. I was pretty darn proud of him and think we should make it a weekly occurrence (thoughts honey?) 😉
I think it is a huge testament to Mother Goose Time as well. Jonathan coined it “So Simple A Husband Can Do it!”. So there you have it!
Favorite things Friday
Remember, both myself and my co-host Rachel will be visiting all the posts linked up and featuring one on EACH of our blogs and social media channels! We hope this link up helps each of you out and can’t wait to read your posts!
Featured Post
This weeks featured post is from When We’re At Home titled “How to Homeschool and Keep Your House Clean”. I think our whole family has some bad habits when it comes to picking up after ourselves. It has been a real shift to be in house selling mode where we are forced to keep it in spotless condition around the clock. Not going to bed with a messy house is KEY! This post is full of practical step-by-step advice to help your keep your home without losing your mind. Check out her post and make sure to check her out on Facebook!
Make sure to hop on over to my co-host at Simply Rachel to see her featured pick!
The Rules
1. Before you start: Put a link back or button in the bottom of the post you are linking up (or sidebar if you are using a button) – if we don’t see a link you will not be eligible to be featured so this step is important!

Come follow your hosts on Pinterest!
Hip Homeschooling
Simply Rachel
2. Link up to two posts below. Anything family friendly is welcome. Recipes, blogger posts, parenting, homeschooling, crafts and DIY, you name it just keep it G rated 😉
3. Visit a few other posts that interest you! We want to make this link up worthwhile for you to come and visit each week, this means we ALL want to see some traffic from it. So be a good sport and find out what your fellow bloggers have been up to!
4. Check in every Friday to see if you were featured on either of our blogs! If you were, grab your button below!

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