Have you seen some of the elaborate gifts parents give their children on Easter? I have to admit, I had no idea Easter was such a big deal! We do a simple little Easter Egg Hunt, go to church, spend some time with family and maybe have a nice dinner over Easter and yet I have discovered that is a far cry from what many other parents are doing these days. Easter has evolved (as most holiday’s do) to another gift-giving extravaganza. While I don’t begrudge parents for wanting to shower their children with gifts if they have the means (who are we kidding, spoiling our kids is FUN!)… I want to be careful that my kids aren’t thinking only about themselves. Keep reading for your free you’ve been egged printable and don’t forget to pin this on your holiday board.

A few years back, we were visiting some family over Easter and the doorbell rang. We were greeted with a note taped to the door saying we had been “egged”. I had never heard of this before but upon further research, this is another Easter tradition that is rapidly increasing in popularity. I loved it! Here was an opportunity for my kids to do a random act of kindness, to think about someone else other than themselves. To share some of the overflow of what they had been given! As I sat here scrolling through the pictures on Facebook of happy children opening up their Easter baskets, I felt compelled to find a “You’ve Been Egged Printable” to print off and go around our community. After talking with the kids, I searched for something cute, not too preachy (I think the action speaks for itself) and not too corny. I decided to just make my own, seeing as I love rhyming so much, and wanted to share it with you guys!
You’ve Been Egged Printable
All you need to do is print this off (make sure you check your print preview, I scaled mine down to 95% to make sure the little bunny ears showed up) and take along some tape and Easter candy. I recommend purchasing some plastic eggs, to ensure that the candy doesn’t become wet or dirty. Go to someone’s house (text the parents if you want to make sure no one looks outside) and hide the eggs around the yard. Then tape the note to the door, knock or ring the bell, and book it! Your kids will love that part! See if they can do it without being seen! Repeat with as many neighbours, friends, or family members as you would like! Doesn’t it sound fun? Add me (rebecca@rebeccaspoonerpgblog.com) to your contact list so your download doesn’t go to your junk folder, and put your name and email in the box below and you’ll receive your download link directly in your inbox! I hope you enjoy this you’ve been egged printable and happy egging!
*If you post a pic of this on Instagram, PLEASE tag me, I love seeing you guys using what I’ve made and would love to comment/like/follow you! You can find me on Instagram HERE.