I am so excited about this week’s free printable because I was able to find some super cute graphics and ended up putting a lot of work into it! I am hoping to use this in a future social studies unit on the shop, but you guys get a sneak peek for free just because you’re awesome. The beauty of an all about me worksheet or book is that it essentially kills two birds with one stone. In early elementary, it meets a fair amount of criteria for social studies plus serves as a fun language arts activity at the same time. This all about me worksheet book includes 6 pages in mostly black and white for easy printing and is geared for children in grades K-3. It is available with a little girl as the character or a little boy and I am offering BOTH for free. Make sure to pin this post for later!

All About Me Worksheet/Book: What Do They Include?
The first page is essentially a coloring page for your kids. If your child is an independent learner (grade 2-4) I would give them the first page as an introduction to the unit and let them color the pictures, doodle around it, make the cover for their book.

All About Me Worksheets Page 2
The second page introduces them. You’ll want to put their name in the flag on the top, they can color in the circle with their favorite color rather than writing it and then put their age in the other circle. They can color in the cute little graphic I snagged from the talented Pink Pueblo on Etsy. Then they will write in the box more details about them. If your child is in Kindergarten or grade 1 I recommend letting them narrate their thoughts to you and writing it exactly as they speak it. If your child is in grade 2 or 3, and not too overwhelmed, let them do this activity on their own! Try to get them to really think about it. What sets them apart?
The third page is for your family tree. Obviously this will vary greatly with each family. I set it up with room at the top for mom and dad and then 8 circles to *hopefully* fit in all the family members. Your kids can either cut out little pictures of each family member and glue them into the circles or just write their names. They can color the tree and otherwise take the time to talk about people outside your immediate family.
The fourth page is to write about their family. In this section, encourage your child to write about their siblings, their parents, their pets even. What makes up their family, why do they love them? What is the best part about their sister? Again, adjust this exercise to your child’s abilities and level. For older children, encourage them to use lots of descriptive adjectives.
Page 5 is a place for dreaming. What does your child want to be when they grow up? Get them to write it in the thought balloon (or draw a picture if they are too young). Then use the space below to write the WHY. Why do they want to be that? What is cool about it? Would they be good at it? What made them interested in it to begin with? Was it that trip to the airport? Go into detail, write on the back of the paper if you need to.
Page 6 is less writing, more of a brain map. It is good to encourage our kids to not only write detailed sentences, but also to visualize their thoughts. This is a simple exercise… what are their favorite things? They can fill up the balloons, add more to the page. Challenge them to write as MANY things as they can think of! Make it fun! Set a timer, make some cookies while they are writing! Laugh and gush over it afterwards. If you are doing this activity with multiple children, compare what you love, see if there are similarities. Do it with them! You may be surprised!
For my grade 3 son, we will be writing a short essay at the end, using all the information we put together in the booklet. We will staple our entire book together and probably glue his picture on his essay as well. Don’t feel limited by this book, use it as a starting point. Add to it if you need to!
Grab your free all about me worksheet/book.
Simply fill in your name and email in the box below and you’ll get a link sent to your email address. Make sure you add rebecca@rebeccaspoonerpgblog.com to your contact list so it doesn’t disappear into your junk folder. The link will take you to a folder on Google Drive where you will see both the girl book and boy booklet. Choose your version and hit the download arrow at the top of the screen. Make sure you print to the edge or scale your paper depending on your printer to ensure the whole image prints first… we waste no printer ink over at Hip Homeschooling 😉
Share your finished books or pages on Instagram and tag me in them @rebeccaspoonerpg!