I love date night, but living on a remote island away from all our family and friends means a serious lack of babysitters! We all know the importance of a regular date night to keep the romance alive in your marriage, but HOW do you do that when you are stuck at home? Whether you don’t have a babysitter or whether money is just tight and you can’t afford one, check out this list of 25 creative date ideas that you can do without leaving the house (just tire the kids out and put them to bed early!). Don’t forget to pin it for later!

25 Creative Date Ideas from Home.
All you need to do is get the kids to bed at a decent time and you could surprise your hubby with a romantic date night tonight! I would love to hear your ideas to add them to the list in the comments below!
1.Desert night! Make a nice desert or just buy some chocolate and strawberries and enjoy eating something special together.
2.Couples massage. This is a great way to serve one another and maybe get the party started (wink wink, nudge nudge).
3.Have a shower or bath together. Candlelight is even better!
4.Bring out the bubbly! If you enjoy the occasional drink, date night is the perfect night to kick back with a glass of wine or champagne and unwind from the day… together!
5.Have a second dinner. Did you have Mac and Cheese for dinner? No problem! Pull out some steak, toss a few potatoes into some foil in the oven and go put the kids to bed. Surprise your man with a fancy candlelight dinner that you can actually both ENJOY.
6.Play a romantic board game. In our beginning years of marriage, we bought the Discovery Game from Focus on the Family. It is a great way to get yourself out of your comfort zone!
7.Movie night! Pop some popcorn, put down your phones and computers and just snuggle on the couch with a good movie.
8.Candles, music, lights, and dancing. Even if you don’t know how to dance, find a YouTube tutorial and do some dancing together. It is a ton of fun, a great way to “get things moving” in the right direction for the evening, and you may learn something new in the process!
9.Work on a puzzle together. Puzzles are a lot of fun. They keep you engaged but aren’t too mentally taxing so you can visit while you work. Make sure you have a way to store it for the next date night!
10.Play hide and seek….in the dark. Sometimes you just have to get goofy and play together! Play hide and seek, offer a reward if you find the other person, have fun with it!
11.Feeding each other blindfolded. There is something about limiting one of your senses that makes the other ones come alive. Try feeding each other while you are both blindfolded! Be prepared for some laughs, a bit of mess, and maybe a little more…
12.Bake together/cook together. The key here is together. Take a look at your fridge, find something you have the ingredients for and get cooking/baking.
13.Read a book… together. You can either read the same book and discuss it in the evening or literally read together. It keeps you both engaged and talking about something you both enjoy.
14.Lights, camera, action… Do a photo shoot or make a video together! (how clothed you are and what you do is up to you!).
15.Workout together. Jonathan and I love working out together. We feel better about ourselves, we have a ton of fun, and we usually have a nice shower together afterwards. Win-win.
16.Blast from the past: look at photo albums and reminisce. This is a great way to remember why you married this person next to you. To look back on how young you were, what it was like, see how far you’ve come.
17.Truth or Dare. Again, have fun with it! Come up with outrageous things! Get creative!
18.Go stargazing on your back deck together. If it isn’t a full on blizzard, get outside and look at the stars together. Snuggle up and get some cuddling in too!
19.Fashion show. Put on a fashion show for eachother. Put on all that lingerie you’ve had stuffed in a drawer for the past year or try on your swimsuits. Can you fit in your wedding outfits?
20.Text Date. Some days while I am blogging furiously and hubby is doing work, we start texting eachother and I gotta say, it is fun. Yes, we are sitting in the same room like dorks, but even if our kids are there, we start flirting. We get laughing, it pulls us OUT of what we are doing, allows us to flirt a little and change the tone of the evening.
21.Play a game (cards, board game, video game, etc.). Playing games is engaging, fun, and get’s the conversation started.
22.Play with the kids’ toys. This may sound ridiculous, but it’s actually a TON of fun. See who can build the best Lego tower, or have a playdough sculpting competition. Get creative using what you have around you and LAUGH with your husband!
23.Work on a project together: paint a room, do some mudding, re-organize a room, etc. If you have a bunch of projects on the go and just can’t relax, do them TOGETHER.
24.Make a list together. This can be anything. Name your top 10 places you’d like to visit, write down your bucket lists and share them with eachother. You can even take it deeper and list the top things that are frustrating you about the other person and talk about those. Or what you love about the other person and why! The sky is the limit, this is a GREAT way to actually WORK on your marriage productively and have fun in the process.
25.Plan your dream vacation. I’m talking vacation books, Google maps, budget how much it would cost, where you would go and where you would stay. It may start out as a dream, but if you make a plan for how it can be accomplished and start budgeting it NOW, you may actually be able to do it!