Do you feel like you are drowning in to do lists, laundry, and dishes? Does lack of organization cause you to lose your patience or avoid having people over? Are you often late because you can’t find what you are looking for? As mom’s, we all have a lot on our minds and life is busy. In some seasons our mind becomes so full that we become less productive. We feel a bit like a chicken with our heads cut off, running aimlessly, never really accomplishing anything. If this resonates with you right now help is on the way! I am so excited to introduce a series together with some amazing bloggers: How to Organize your Life in 30 Days. We are going to take the next 30 days and bring you out of the chaos, give you a purpose and a vision for your home! We are going to reset how you view cleaning and give you tools, ideas, and inspiration to make your home the restful sanctuary you desire it to be.

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Throughout the month I will add a new blog post every day to the list, you can join in at anytime. We will be sharing our challenge results on social media using the hashtag #30DayOrganize and #JoinTheChallenge. There will be gift cards to giveaway, books, planning supplies, and more! You can participate in the challenge by sharing your before and after pics (or just after pics) with the hashtag or just sharing updates/graphics with the hashtags. Each time you use these hashtags you will be entered to win a prize. All you need to do to stay “in the know” on new posts/giveaways is join the newsletter and you’ll receive an update each week on anything you may have missed!
Starting February 1st, I will add a new post each day and list them below. Make sure to pin this post and join the newsletter so you don’t miss a thing!
How to Organize your Life in 30 Days!
Day 1: Start Getting Organized with a Home Management Center.
Day 2: The Ultimate System to Organize Your Homeschool Year.
Day 3: 5 Organizing Tips for Little Miss Scatterbrains.
Day 4: How to Clean Home More Effectively (Schedule, Routine, and Tips)!
Day 5: Essentialism: You Can’t Do it All, So Do the Best Things.
Day 6: Organize your Couponing Trip
Day 7: 6 Reasons Your Calendar is the Best Organizing Tool
Day 8: How To Get It All Done and Plan Your Day
Day 9: Tips to Keeping Toys Tamed.
Day 10: Become a Planning Addict! Practicality Meets Creativity
Day 11: Power Hour for Mom
Day 12: How to Manage Your Time as a Homeschool Mom
Day 13: Are you embarrassed to invite people over?
Day 14: How to Show Love with a Clean Home
Day 15: 6 of the Best Organizing Tips for Big Families.
Day 16: How to Organize Your Days to Maximize Your Joy.
Day 17: 5 Amazing Systems to Help You Conquer the Laundry Chaos for Good!
Day 18: Organizing Your Finances for Tax Season
Day 19: 3 Almost Free Natural Kitchen Cleaning Hacks
Day 20: Taming The Catch-All Cabinet In The Bathroom
Day 21: Organizing with Lists
Day 22: 7 Easy Steps to a Clean House {for moms who hate to clean}
Day 23: Organize your meals and shopping list with this freebie!
Day 24: 5 excellent ways to keep a clean house while homeschooling
Day 25: Tips To Organizing A Small Pantry
Day 26: 5 Tips for Homeschool Organization
Day 27: How I Use My Planner To Stay Organized
Day 28: Decluttering Made Easy
Day 29: How to Organize the ONE THING You Use the Most
Day 30: How to Get Organized with Kids