I can’t even tell you the amount of people I know who want to earn an income on the side at home and just don’t know what to do! I used to be one of those mom’s! I spent HOURS searching good business ideas to work from home. I really wasn’t interested in a multi-level-marketing at that point, I didn’t want to sell something. I wanted to find out something that I could do as a job that I actually enjoyed that allowed me to supplement our income and gain financial freedom. It took me YEARS and a number of bittersweet failures (that my family and friends can attest to) to finally stumble upon something that worked for me. Now that I am blogging, it seems almost comical to me, why didn’t I figure this out sooner?
- I didn’t know what I was good at.
- I didn’t know what would sell.
- I didn’t know how to marry my skills and talents and interests into something that could make us money.
- I didn’t know where to start.
Is this you? Pin this image so you can find this post and let me tell you about an amazing tool I found to help you figure out the solution that will work for YOU.

The One Tool that will Help you Gain Financial Freedom!
I recently had the opportunity to read Money-Making Mom by Crystal Paine from MoneySavingMom.com and was blown away. I needed to read this book about 4 years ago, it would have saved me a lot of stress and worry and failures! This book (which is nearly half off right now on Amazon.com!!!!) is a total game changer!
Whether you are wanting to build up a savings account, pay off debt, create an emergency fund, or supplement your family income, this book is full of story after story of successes to give you ideas and a vision. Crystal walks you through everything from figuring out your strengths, talents and skills and how to use those to earn money! In this book you will create realistic goals and a vision for your family and explore what financial freedom means for you. Topics that are covered include:
- Creating a financial vision.
- Finding what you’re good at.
- Brainstorming how to use your interests and skills to earn money.
- Finding a way of delivering your product/service that works in the long term for your family.
- Determining your mission statement.
- How to brand yourself.
- How to expand an idea and grow your business.
- How to manage your life, family, and work.
- Pitfalls to watch for.
- Time management.
- How to use your successes to give generously.
Whether you own a business and are drowning trying to manage it all or are feeling totally overwhelmed wondering how to start earning money, this book is an amazing resource! Crystal is such a great writer, the book is full of relatable stories and examples, it is interesting, challenging, and encouraging! Want to take the Money-Making Mom challenge and reach your financial goals? Grab this book while it is on sale! you can find it in Canada here and in the US here. Make sure to tag me on Instagram as you post about your journey!