Most people don’t know what bullet journaling is so it often takes a bit of explanation. To simplify it for you, I am going to tell you 5 reasons I bullet journal. There are so many planning methods out there and it can be hard to find one that works for you! Make sure to pin this post for later!

What is Bullet Journaling?
In a nutshell, bullet journaling is a customizable organizing solution. It can be a planner, a calendar, a place for your notes and thoughts, a journal, a sketchbook, or all of the above! There are essentially no rules and you can do whatever you want with your journal to make it work for you!
It was first introduced by Ryder Carroll and you can find all of his intro posts here or watch his quick intro video.
5 Reasons I Bullet Journal.
1. Nothing was working to fit in all the facets of my life.
I homeschool five young children, no planner I have ever found fits that many kids unless I buy a separate student planner for each child in which case it is a TON of planning and writing for me. You can imagine planning posts, figuring out ideas, tracking my sharing, etc. takes up a whole other planner! Then I have my home life: meals, housework, errands, phone numbers, upcoming events, etc. etc. etc. I was working in numerous different planners to try to plan all these different aspects of my day and it was just TOO MUCH.
2. I lose steam.
Envision it with me… a new planner. The excitement, the giddiness, the impatience to just dive in and fill all those pretty little boxes with your life! Then… you make mistakes, it looks messy, you miss a day, you don’t fill in everything or you are writing outside the boxes because they don’t fit everything. You start to lose steam. You’re planning in your home planner, your school planner, and your blog planner, you can’t keep up. Have you been there? I have! And that is part of the reason I fell in love with the bullet journal. All of my life in one spot, it is the perfect solution for me!
3. I am a hopeless perfectionist.
I am an all or nothing person. If I can’t do it all PERFECTLY, I do none. So I have all these pretty little planners, sitting on my shelves, a few weeks full at best. I WASTE MONEY. I WASTE TIME. I LOSE STEAM. With bullet journaling, every day is a blank page. I can use two pages if I want to for one day. I can use just a little section if I don’t have much to say. I can skip a day and I’m not losing any ground. I can journal if something inspires me. I can be super simple and just make a list, or I can use it as a creative outlet and doodle and sketch. The sky is the limit! I am not bound by any box.
4. It is flexible.
Now I feel like I am just repeating myself, but seriously, the bullet journal is SO flexible! When you have all your life in one spot and you want to add something, you do! If you are sitting in bed and have a note you want to remember about the day, you just add it! If you have a random idea for your blog or work or something you remembered you need to do, you write it in! If you want to put in a page about what you want to read, go for it! The one word that describes bullet journaling is: FREEDOM. There are no rules.
5. It is easy to find your information.
The best part about the bullet journal is the way it organizes everything. At the end of the year, you have a book with an index at the front to easily find anything that is meaningful to you. If you found pages that relate to one another you can easily incorporate threading in your journal. Think of it not only as a planner, but as your life in words. Write down your child’s first word or paste in a picture that is meaningful to you. This little planner can become like a scrapbook of memories from your life. It will become your greatest treasure and easy to sit down and find everything that you want to because of the organization of the system.
How do you get started?
Ok, you’re sold. you want to start bullet journaling but have no idea how! All you need is a notebook, ideally graph or bullets, and a pen and you can begin! My favorite notebook is the Leuchtturm, simply because the pages are thicker so your pen doesn’t show through on the next page. But I have been making my own from my graph booklets on my Etsy shop and using the inserts in my Traveler’s Notebook for super cheap, which work AWESOME. You can find my Etsy shop with all it’s inserts at Take a look at my top resources below!
I put my Leuchtturm in my Traveler’s Notebook to protect it and keep it together with my pen and any other inserts. I purchased my custom wide TN on an Etsy shop, AltGuild and you can get it 10% off if you use coupon code: HiphomeFun.
I’ve recently started adding in some watercolor in my planning pages and it is blowing my mind! I can’t believe how beautiful it is and yet how simple at the same time!