My grade 3 son has been reading, a lot! We go to the library every week and he is reading at least one chapter book every few days. I can hardly keep up! He is going through them so fast that I decided I wanted him to start doing book reports. The goal here is to not only to teach some organized writing but to help him slow down and savor the story at the same time. When I sat down and started showing him what he needed to include in his report, he got very overwhelmed. He needed help organizing all the information in one spot. We spent two days writing the report. The first day he filled in all the blanks, not worrying about spelling/structure/neatness. The second day we put it into a good copy together. It made all the difference and I wanted to share our little printable with you! Take a minute to pin this for your friends! Because we can ALL use a little help when it comes to teaching writing to our children.

Download your free book report organizing printable!
This is a four page printable. The first two pages are the book report planning sheets. They have questions and prompts to help your child plan out all the information they need for their report. The next two pages are for the actual book report good copy. You can use those or not, it’s totally up to you! But I wanted to include it in there just in case. I made sure to put a place for the name and date at the top so you can use it even for a school assignment.
IF you are planning ahead and using this book report planner for some day down the road, try to remind your child to choose their favorite quote as they are reading. They can highlight it or mark it with a post-it note. This will help them learn how to appropriately use a quotation reference within their report while helping them pay a bit closer attention as they are reading. If your child is younger or you are using this after they have read the book, you can just scratch that out.
To download your free book report printable pack, just put your name and e-mail address in the box below. You will receive a download link within 1 hour (usually a LOT sooner). If you have not received an e-mail, make sure to add to your contacts and double check your junk or spam folder!
All printables on this site are created by me and copyright to Hip Homeschooling. If you would like to share this with a friend, just hit share at the bottom of this post or share the link rather than the download link you are sent in your inbox. Every page view I receive supports this blog and allows me to create more great printables for you! Don’t forget that your link will expire after three tries, if you need to download it again just head back to this post (which is why it’s a good idea to pin it for later!) and you can get a new link sent to you. If you are having problems, send me an email at and we’ll figure it out! Also, make sure your printer is set to print to the edge or else resize it a bit if it is cutting something off. Every printer is so different, it is nearly impossible to create one that will fit them all!
Your next book report made easy!
I want to hear how this book report planner works for you! Comment below if it helped your child organize their thoughts and made writing a book report just a little less traumatizing! If you have suggestions or thoughts, I want to hear about them! Ideas for the next printable? Shoot me an e-mail! And most importantly, if you like this printable, hit the share button below! And be sure to check out my other printables by CLICKING HERE!