It’s another Favorite things Friday over here at Hip Homeschooling! Featured posts, free printables, fun preschool craft ideas! Don’t miss this post!
Free Homeschool Planner
I’ll start off with this weeks featured printable, a free homeschool planner! This is a super simple planner, but it is my favorite one and we use it EVERY DAY! I love it because it is so customizeable, there is lots of space for each of your subjects, and you can easily print off as many as you need for each child. This is part of a series in putting together my free homeschool planner, so be sure to check back for more great printables to add to your binder!
For a year you would need 39 copies of this for each child. To save my sanity, I tend to print off a month at a time. Grab your printable by clicking here or the image below.
Take a look at how we use this free homeschool planner in our day!
Favorite Mother Goose Time Activity
Alright, time to post our favorite preschool activity from our last week of Ocean Commotion with Mother Goose Time! This was our #1 fav activity. Making an ocean collage was fun for the kids and gave us an opportunity to reminisce about the month and all that we have learned. We talked about all the different fish and ocean creatures in our collage, about sea shells and boats and deep sea diving. We discussed our favorite moments and activities of the month and just enjoyed wrapping up our last week! We hung our collages all in a row to show daddy when he came home from work and the kids won’t be letting me get rid of them anytime soon!
I love Mother Goose Time because I don’t need to gather any supplies, everything is set up for me! But if you want to make your own ocean collage, you will need:
- blue cellophane
- 2 paper plates/child
- paint
- glue
- scissors
- pictures of ocean animals (or magazine clippings)
- string or ribbon
- optional: seashells
You can put the ocean animals on top of the cellophane, the kids wanted to put theirs “under” the water, so that’s what we did. Cut out the inside of one of your plates and paint it, this is your frame. On the second plate (in the middle) glue your collage and put the frame around it. We just glued ours on and then hot glued the ribbon on the top to make sure it stayed.
Favorite things Friday Featured Post
This weeks featured post was Nature Journals for Kids by Simply Rachel. It is a fantastic tutorial on how to make some thrifty little nature journals. The pictures are beautiful and I love that you can use the pages as little storage bags as well! Make sure you head over and check out her post or pin it for later!
Did you grab your free homeschool planner page? Then it’s time to link up!
The rules:
1. Add a link at the bottom of the post you are linking OR my blog button to your post/sidebar to be eligible to be featured. This is important because the featured post also gets shared during the week on my social media!
2. Try to visit 1 or 2 other links. There are so many other amazing resources out there and we want to keep this linky active and social, so head on over and say hi, they just might say hi back!
3. Link up to 2 posts!
I will visit each and every post that is linked up and comment so it is a great way to gain exposure and again, each week I choose a featured post to share with my audience and feature on my blog.
Too much on your mind to remember another weekly link-up? Join the link-up reminder newsletter, you’ll get a message every Thursday to pop over and add your link! (This is NOT my regular newsletter, just a friendly link-up reminder)

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