Looking for a fun Spanish program for this fall? I have fallen in love with Foreign Languages for Kids by Kids. We have been doing this program for a few months now and the results have absolutely blown me away!
A Fun Spanish Program your Kids will be Begging to Watch!
So, what makes this program so fun and why do kids love it?
- Real life videos in day-to-day settings. The kids are seeing things like making breakfast, playing with friends, talking to neighbours… things they can relate to.
- The magic of the program is that it is by kids. All the actors are kids! My children are glued to the screen simply because kids their age are speaking a different language, it’s mesmerizing!
- The videos are full immersion. Other than the introduction at the beginning, you are watching an in-flight movie to help you learn the language on your way to Lima, Peru and more! The kids aren’t being “taught” they are being immersed!
- The storyline and the characters are so fun! We all love watching our videos.
I love it for a few different reasons:
- It is super easy to teach! No prep, just turn on the video and walk away! I watch the videos with the kids so I am learning along side with them and we can incorporate it into our daily lives.
- The videos are short. The thought of another full curriculum program to sit down and teach is drudgery to me. These are about 5 minute long video sessions on my computer. We watch them each morning at breakfast and we are done!
- The words are so carefully acted out that you pick it up. You don’t have to be stressed about teaching a foreign language, you can easily discern the words and it sticks because someone didn’t tell it to you, you were shown it!
- I am learning a ton! This isn’t just for the kids, I am picking up on this stuff and it is giving me so much confidence for teaching the kids. I can hear the correct pronunciation and we talk Spanish to each other to challenge each other through the day. It is super fun for the whole family!
Foreign Languages for Kids is a winner for me because it is so easy, such a fun Spanish introduction and requires VERY little of me. My kids know a ton of Spanish words, even my 3 year old is picking them up! I find if I ask her what a word means she often “doesn’t know” but if she is watching the video she is saying the correct English words as they speak them in Spanish. So she is understanding!
This fun Spanish program comes with online interactive worksheets and quizzes to help streamline and challenge as well as for the kids to see the Spanish words in writing. You can sign up for a free trial to see if you like it before you sign up for a subscription. The subscriptions are very affordable and can be used with all your children. It is well worth the investment and within a few months, your whole family will be speaking Spanish in the right context with the right pronunciation. It is an invaluable resource in our home!
We have now made it mostly through our second group of videos and are going to be working a bit more with some of the games and worksheets. The first video has been COMPLETELY memorized by all the kids, take a look at what my 7 year old learned in the first few videos below: