Now that you have some brush lettering worksheets to learn the technique and you have a brush lettering pen that you love, it’s time to find some inspiration and tutorials from people far more talented than myself! I am going to share with you 10 AMAZING hand lettering pros whose videos, feeds, and blogs are going to inspire you to get that pen out and try! Most of them have free tutorials, printables and challenges peppered all throughout their content so stay a while and get to know them! I know you will be as inspired as I am!

Hand Lettering for Beginners: 10 Pros to Follow TODAY!
1. Lisa from Creativ Lei
Lisa is the first person to ever inspire me to improve my lettering. She has a challenge that I did last year called #loveyourlettering (find it on Instagram) where she taught techniques, gave tutorials and challenged me to try. She is doing a new challenge RIGHT NOW that you want in one and it is absolutely FREE! Head over to her website or find her on Instagram @creativlei
2. Jenny Highsmith from
I recently discovered Jenny and was blown away. Her Instagram feed is AMAZING! She creates amazing products from her lettering including shirts and mugs and her website is so bright and clean it just makes you want to settle in and have coffee with her! You can find her on Instagram @jennyhighsmith or check out your hand lettering eCourse on her website.
3. Tombow USA from
Okay, you got me, this is a pen company. But they have some awesome tutorials on their blog as well as on YouTube to help you learn how to use pens for shading, brush lettering, and more! Definitely worth following them! I LOVE their content! You can find them on Instagram @tombowusa.
4. Jessica at
I LOVE Jessica, she has an amazing YouTube channel FILLED with tutorials, she is on Instagram at @prettyprintsandpaper.
5. Elizabeth Fischer
Elizabeth was a YouTube find, I can’t find a website, I think she might be new to YouTube because there is no cover video and there are not many followers, but don’t let that confuse you, this is a GIFTED hand lettering pro! Plus, her YouTube is nothing but free tutorials on brush lettering! I was so inspired looking at her channel. Check it out here.
6. Sharisse from
Sharisse is a well-established blogger. You can find her everywhere, there are TONS of tutorials on her website, on Instagram at @piecescalligraphy and on YouTube.
7. Teela Cunningham from
I stumbled upon Teela’s hand lettering for beginners videos on YouTube and fell in love. I had written her off because her description said photoshop tutorials, but it looks like most of her recent content is all free hand lettering resources, all free. Find her on YouTube or Instagram @everytuesday.
This is a great website to go, tons of resources for lettering inspiration, advice and tutorials! They also have an AMAZING Instagram community called @lettering_daily. Go and check it out!
9. Aaria from
Aaria is amazing, just a few minutes on her IG will tell you that she is a professional. Take a look under her hand lettering tab in her menu for more tutorials or find her on Instagram @surelysimpleblog.
10. Amanda from
Amanda has a ton of resources and inspiration for learning how to hand letter. She has courses but also free tutorials on her blog. You can also find her on Instagram @amandaarneill.
11. Melissa from
A reader told me about Melissa and I hopped over to check out her Instagram immediately and guess what, I was already following her! She is AMAZING, she has tons of tutorials and even a course right now teaching you how to letter. You will be so inspired by her, find her on Instagram @lissletters.
Hand Lettering for Beginners: More Inspiration
If you missed the last two posts, mosey on back and check out the free brush lettering worksheets and brush lettering pen review, you can find them on the landing page HERE.
If you aren’t already following me on Pinterest, come on over and say hi HERE. I have a board dedicated to hand lettering and fill it up daily!
You can also find me on Instagram on both my personal account @homeschoolon (where I post glimpses of my day, funny memes, life stuff) or my planning account @planninginspiration4u. Tag me, message me, say hi, I would LOVE to see you!
Creating a Business Bullet Journal
I have been working hard at setting up my new business bullet journal. This is where I am keeping all things blogging related and I can’t wait to share it with you! Tomorrow I am going to show you different collections I have, the setup, and *possibly* a video, but no promises 😉 Don’t forget to bookmark the landing page below!
Did you know this is part of a 31 day series? There will be a post each day this month showcasing how I use bullet journaling. We will talk about the tools you need and I’ll review some of my pen hoard (including my brand new flex fountain pens, eeeeek!). There will be videos, pictures, hand lettering practise pages, doodle challenges, journaling prompts, some amazing giveaways, and hopefully a TON of inspiration to get you writing in your planner, whatever that may look like for you! How can you get on board?
BOOKMARK THE LANDING PAGE (that is where all the posts will be added throughout the month)
FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM (I’ll be posting the daily posts there)
USE THE HASHTAG: #PlanWithRebecca and #planninginspiration4u on Instagram for a chance to be featured on my page!
JOIN THE NEWSLETTER (if you want an short update on the latest post in your inbox)
Who would you add to this list?
Let’s make this the BEST list EVER! If you know someone who offers a lot of free tutorials I want to know about it! Comment below and I’ll check them out and see about adding them to the list!