Fathers Day is nearly upon us and I have been searching for FREE homemade Fathers Day Gifts to make with the kids and coming up short for something funny and quirky that fits our family. I decided to make up this free printable fill-in-the-blank story as a way to incorporate learning and a unique gift at the same time! Keep reading to get your free printable, hit the share button to your right, and make sure to pin this for later!

Homemade Fathers Day Gifts he’ll Love… with a Learning Aspect (I mean, we ARE homeschoolers).
As I was thinking about what kind of printable I should design, I thought it would be fun if we could find one that had a learning aspect. How cool would it be to count our Fathers Day gift as school?!?!?!
So, this printable fill-in-the-blank story game will help teach your little scholars about verbs, adjectives and nouns. As you go through the list you can help them with hints such as “name a adjective (a describing word) and see what they come up with! You can either fill in the blanks and give it to dad or read it out loud to the whole family on Fathers Day.
No matter how many kids you have it will be fun and unique and sure to bring some laughs and be something he’ll treasure for years to come! Simply fill in your name and e-mail address below and you will receive a download link automatically right to your inbox!
Your Free Father's Day Printable!

Grab your free Father's Day printable make-your-own-story here!
I can’t WAIT to see what outrageous stories your family makes from this homemade fathers day gifts printable! I would LOVE to see your name in my inbox! Just hit reply to your download link email OR head over to Facebook and share a pic on the page, tag me in your posts, or tag me on Instagram!