I recently saw a photo series by a professional photographer that showcased homeschooling and it irked me a little bit. Don’t get me wrong, the photos were beautiful! The captions depicted children hunting, exploring nature, scaling ponds, and playing in the mud: unschooling in all its glory. The lighting was perfect, the focus was crisp and clear. Yet I felt that the series failed to capture the essence of homeschooling. The reality is, homeschooling is FAR from perfect and learning can take on many forms. So I reached out to my little community of homeschoolers on Facebook and asked them to show me what homeschooling looks like for them. So wordy Rebecca is going to bow to the age-old truism that a picture is worth 1,000 words and let them speak for themselves!

Grasley girls know how to do school in style… school in their PJ’s, that’s just the way I flow people! ❤️

This might be one of my favorites because this is REAL you guys! This cutie patootie likes to do school in her undies, just like my 3 year old! ❤️❤️❤️ – Butler

Kids cooking = life skills, math skills, reading skills, listening skills, memory skills and more! – May
What does homeschooling look like for you? I love this series, some of these families are in the US, some in India, some in Canada, these people are from all over the world! I love how homeschooling can look so different and yet so relateable no matter where you are! I love that sometimes we are so busy living in the moment that a blurry pic is all we get, but the breakthrough is something we’ll never forget! I love that our kids have messy hair and mismatched clothes and kids climbing on the furniture. It isn’t perfect my friends! But THIS is real life. And I hope that in the midst of your own chaos today, you feel a little less alone seeing just how normal that chaos is! Embrace it, take a picture when you can, breathe it all in! One day we are going to look back on these days and miss them!
Thank you to EVERYONE who took the time to contribute pictures to this series. Your kids are beatiful and your families are amazing and you are ROCKING this homeschool thing! Happy homeschooling my friends, wherever you are and whatever that looks like!