I can hardly believe it’s time for Favorite things Friday again! We have had so much fun in this week’s Mother Goose Time it was hard to pick my favorite activity! Take a look at what we have done and share your favorite thing from the week! If you’re a blogger, link up your favorite post and if you aren’t, comment below! I’d love to hear how your week has gone!
Plant Science Exploration
I have to separate my favorite things into two sections, the kids’ and mine. All my kids, when asked, referred to the “plant science” when asked about their favorite thing. We have been learning all about plants, seeds, roots, and more in our garden unit study with Mother Goose Time. We were all over this fun plant science activity to learn how roots absorb water and nutrients from the soil and use it to “feed” the plant.
Our exploration card called for yellow and red food dye but our yellow dye spilled and was thrown out a while back so we substituted blue and made a purple combination. An important note… this takes about 2 hours!!!!! We set it all up together and the kids did some school while they waited and came back to check on it. It takes quite a bit of time to fill and mix in the middle cup.
Basically fill your two clear cups with some water and dye and leave the middle one empty. The kids will get to see how the “roots” absorb the water and carry it to the stem and leaves in this fun plant science activity. They also get to see that it takes time. For my preschooler I loved that this also gave us a chance to talk about colors and different combinations.
Preschool Fine Arts with Mother Goose Time
From an educators perspective, I loved how Mother Goose Time incorporated Fine Arts into this week. The great thing about a unit study is that it brings so many different facets of learning under one main “umbrella” focus topic. And Mother Goose Time excels in this area.
First of all we received our book for the month, Lettuce Turnip the Beet! by Kelly Nogoski.
My. Kids. Went. Nuts. (do I have your attention????)
This book is perhaps my favorite children’s book of all time! First of all, it is beautiful, the illustrations are painted impressions of various fruits and vegetables. Take a sneak peek at the inside:
At the same time as I am exposing my kids to art, my preschooler is learning about fruits, veggies, and her numbers! She counted each page and traced the numbers with her finger and has completely adopted this book as “hers” (she is VERY possessive over it and it has a special place by her bed).
Lastly, my older children were entranced by it because of the jokes. That’s right, jokes! Every page has a funny fruit or veggie joke. This is all the rage in our house so it transformed this preschool book into a book the entire family could enjoy and I am pretty sure I have it memorized I have read it so many times!
This is such a special book and a fantastic gift, hop on over and grab a copy from Amazon!
Favorite things Friday Link Up
Featured Post: This weeks featured post is from Nourishing my Scholar. Erin writes about her adorable toddler and some of the quirks that (although cute in a toddler) would be outrageously funny if done by an adult. Come meet this special little girl and have a chuckle with this post!
The link-up rules:
1. Add a link at the bottom of the post you are linking OR my blog button to your post/sidebar to be eligible to be featured. This is important because the featured post also gets shared during the week on my social media!
2. Try to visit 1 or 2 other links. There are so many other amazing resources out there and we want to keep this linky active and social, so head on over and say hi, they just might say hi back!
3. Link up to 2 posts! I will visit each and every post that is linked up and comment so it is a great way to gain exposure and again, each week I choose a featured post to share with my audience and feature on my blog. Too much on your mind to remember another weekly link-up? Join the link-up reminder newsletter, you’ll get a message every Thursday to pop over and add your link! (This is NOT my regular newsletter, just a friendly link-up reminder)
The button:

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