Bible journaling can be incredibly overwhelming. With the viral nature of social media, a quick search on Pinterest often brings up professional artist’s pages that are a far cry from anything we feel we are capable of. As someone who is still relatively new to Bible journaling, I have struggled to find my way amongst a sea of information, and I have learned that none of it matters. Yes, you heard me right. The tools you use do not matter, the skill you have or lack does not matter, the style you choose does not matter… all that matters is the act of immersing yourself in the powerful, potent, life-changing words of God. I have also learned the doodling and watercolors and hand lettering are something you can get better at with practice (there is hope!). And so it is that I have spent the past year familiarizing myself with the act of illustrating my faith and expressing what it means to me. Today I am going to share with you a glimpse inside some of my simple pages. I’ll explain some of the techniques I have used and a great way to get started if you don’t own a journaling Bible. So keep reading and pin this if you have a Bible journaling ideas board!

Simple techniques that look great (and what to avoid).
*I am part of the Illustrated Faith blog team and received this kit free in exchange for my honest review. This post contains affiliate links for your convenience.
Bible journaling doesn’t haven’t to be complicated or overly artistic. They can be as simple as some sort of banner or border with a verse inside or you can add in some simple doodles and flowers to add a pop of color and accent your pages. Take a peek at today’s page I did. All I used was a pencil to do a quick sketch beforehand, a micron waterproof marker to fill in my lines, and a bit of watercolor to add some dynamics. These flowers are the easiest for beginner flowers. Just go around in a circle with semi-circle squiggles that get larger each time you go around. You can embellish it with stickers or washi tape or a simple doodle.
When you are new to Bible journaling, I have a few suggestions. First off, use pencil where you can! In the beginning you will make mistakes and it helps to get out the creative juices. It is kind of like free write for the right side of the brain when you just start free sketching without worrying about the final look. Secondly, avoid acrylic in the beginning or at the very least practice on a different sheet of paper first. Acrylic is permanent, it is opaque, and if you don’t know the color or look you are going for it can ruin your pages or cover your words in your Bible. Watercolor is a bit safer of a medium to start with.
An easy way to get started
If you feel overwhelmed with the idea of journaling in your Bible or aren’t sure you want to get a journaling Bible yet, I have been loving using the devotional kits from Illustrated Faith. They are only $30 and have 2 weeks of devotionals, stamps, washi tape, cut-outs and stickers to get you started. This month’s kit was called, “A Heart that Receives.” It talks about being open to what God is doing in our lives, even if it doesn’t seem easy. After each day there is space for you to respond to what God has been showing you and practice your Bible journaling ideas. What I love about it is that you can take your ideas and responses and use those in your Bible.
What Comes in the Kit
The kit comes in a little plastic zippered pouch that you can use to help store and organize your supplies. Inside it holds:
-14-week devotional
-1 magnet
-3 Tip-ins/bookmarks
-1 sheet of cut out paper tabs/shapes
-1 roll of washi tape
-1 clear stamp set
If you are completely new to Bible journaling, it can be helpful to see some other beginner pages to get ideas and make the idea a little less daunting and unattainable. Even if you don’t have an artistic bone in your body, it is a wonderful way to write the word of God on your heart and mind. Whether you use a notebook, one of the beautiful devotional kits over at Illustrated Faith or journal in your Bible, I encourage you to give it a try! And if you want some Bible journaling ideas for people who are brand new to Bible journaling, join the exclusive group HERE.