We love seeing the beautiful Pinterest pictures of these stunning homeschool school room areas. You know the ones I am talking about. The ones that are bright and filled to the brim with beautiful, white ikea shelving and amazing wall maps and hanging things from the ceiling. Custom paint jobs and Montessori trays and amazing rugs that you covet but just can’t afford. Can you picture it with me? When you go to find out how to do something like that yourself however, you discover that it could cost you $10,000 to create a room like this! Take a minute and pin this image for a friend!

My real, didn’t spend a penny homeschool school room.
When I say I didn’t spend a penny, that’s this year. I did spend a few hundred dollars on my large Ikea cube bookshelf. Most of what I own however (not including books, that’s a story for another day) I bought used or from the thrift store or for cheap. My wall maps for example, I got at Costco for not too much (I think they were $20? Maybe less). My globe I found for $2 at the local thrift store. My paper cutter I found when a newspaper was shutting down. My table was a repurposed table when we replaced our kitchen one. I really have not spent a lot of money on this room’s design, and it could probably be prettier, but it is functional and it works.
If you have been following my Facebook page you will know that we recently moved to Graham Island, a remote island (8 hour ferry ride) underneath Alaska. The movers finished unloading our boxes on Tuesday at 5pm and by Friday I had completely finished our school room. I decided to prioritize the school area before anything else as we have taken a lot of time off school for this move and I need to get back at it.