Welcome to the second day of this incredible series: Plan with me for 31 days (Check out the landing page to read the other ones HERE). I spent ALL DAY taking pictures in preparation for this post, I was ready to go and then my husband walked in the door with my brand new inserts. So the time that I should have spent writing this post were instead spent painting and prepping my new inserts (stay tuned for more on that tomorrow). Today I am going to show you the planner I had in the beginning, the Leuchtturm I used for a while (and why I switched back), and my current (soon to be old) traveler’s notebook. I also set up a video for tomorrow’s post where I will show you my new inserts and how I condensed my current insert set up to make it more manageable (see… I’m a work in progress). So stay tuned!

The Bullet Journal Video Background
I am going to save most of the post for the video as it is going to give you a really clear idea of what I am talking about rather than posting a million pictures. The main idea behind this bullet journal video is to take you on a journey. To show you where I started and where I am. To show you the different rabbit trails I have taken along the way and why I do things the way I do now. Most importantly, you will see a WHOLE WHACK of mistakes-blank pages, whole months skipped. You will see that I am still on a journey to find and tweak this system to be even better for me. You will see minimalistic spreads and artsy spreads. I hope that it gives you some ideas for your bullet journal and inspires you to keep going if you are new. That it reminds you that it doesn’t have to be perfect!
How to Choose Inserts
Tomorrow we are going to talk ALL about inserts. What you want to look for in inserts, some of the key features and keywords you can search on Etsy to find your own, how to make your own, and how many you want to have. I have ANOTHER video for you showing you my new inserts and we are going to figure out what to do when you get all those inserts. How do you organize them and what collections and pages should you include?
Did you know this is part of a 31 day series? There will be a post each day this month showcasing how I use bullet journaling. We will talk about the tools you need and I’ll review some of my pen hoard (including my brand new flex fountain pens, eeeeek!). There will be videos, pictures, hand lettering practise pages, doodle challenges, journaling prompts, some amazing giveaways, and hopefully a TON of inspiration to get you writing in your planner, whatever that may look like for you! How can you get on board?
BOOKMARK THE LANDING PAGE (that is where all the posts will be added throughout the month)
FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM (I’ll be posting the daily posts there)
USE THE HASHTAG: #PlanWithRebecca and #planninginspiration4u on Instagram for a chance to be featured on my page!
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