One of my favorite aspects of my blog is the community feel. I don’t just want to randomly throw information out there, I want to genuinely connect with other women, to meet them where they are at, to help them see that they are not alone! One of the more common questions I am asked is “How do you do it all?” And here’s the honest truth you guys, I don’t. I fail daily. How do I remain happy and filled with joy? I don’t! My joy doesn’t come from me, it is my faith and relationship with God that sustains me! That being said, I have for a long time wanted to reach out to more women, whether they homeschool or not. Women who are wives, mothers, struggling, feeling like they are losing their joy. Women who are treading water. I want to swim out to those women and tell them that I tread water too, on a daily basis. Because maybe, just maybe, if we all put aside the pretence of “having it all together” we will find the freedom to be confident again in who we are.

Hip Homeschooling is not the place for that. I have tried writing a few posts, sharing a few tidbits of my heart, and I think it is very clear in most of my posts that I am a believer. But this is a homeschool blog, where people come for practical advice on homeschooling and I want to continue to offer that. So when my sister-in-law and I were discussing our heart for women, we decided on a whim to start a new blog, Grace Sisterhood. The idea behind this blog is that it is a community of grace for women. There is no judgement and name calling or bitterness and tearing one another down. It is a safe place, a community, where we can come together and share our frustrations and just be real with one another. A place where it is okay if we don’t have it all together.
Meet Our New Blog: Grace Sisterhood!
We are so excited to be officially launching this blog and sharing it with anyone who might be looking for a community like that. We will be sharing uplifting and encouraging posts and articles. We will be responding to comments and engaging with your guys and sharing our hearts right alongside you. We will be vulnerable and real and authentic, in an effort to create an environment of freedom and grace. This is a sisterhood, for anyone who feels like they just need a friend right now.
How we set it up and what theme we used
We have spent literally months setting this up. Writing posts, setting up the social media, praying about it and talking about it and sharing our vision and dreams and ideas. We have spent hours scouring the internet for a theme that made you just feel at home and welcome. We wanted a blog theme that was bright and pretty and fresh and above all else, fast so that you could easily navigate and find what you were looking for. We ended up going with the beautiful Hello Sweets theme from Hello You Designs.
It is bright, clean, fresh, easy to use, and we are so impressed with it. If you are a blogger or interested in starting a blog, you can’t go better than Jennifer! She walks you through set up step by step on the website and the support she offers is amazing! I feel like I have a personal web designer at my fingertips! Efficiency meets beauty in this theme, which you can come and see for yourself on our blog over at Grace Sisterhood! Or head over to her website at Hello You Designs HERE.
Enter the giveaway!
As a special blog launch giveaway, we are so excited to be partnering with Zondervan for a beautiful leather journaling Bible! You can head on over and enter to win on the blog HERE.
I hope you’ll join us! I hope you find a sense of community and relationship and just a safe place without all the drama that is out there online now a days. I hope that you come to our social media and breathe a big sigh of relief, and I hope that you are encouraged and refreshed as you walk your own journey! Come on over and say hi!