Are you looking for free addition worksheets to help your kids with their addition skills? I am going to be working on a series of Math printables to help re-enforce math concepts in our grade 1-2 students. These will all be free and any additional worksheets in the series will be added directly to this blog post so that you don’t have to go searching on my blog for them. I hope to do the same with subtraction, division and multiplication worksheets, but one step at a time. For now, make sure to pin this post so that you can come back and check in when new worksheets have been added.

Free Addition Worksheets: Nines, Eights, and Sevens (more added!)
We use Math-U-See as our primary math curriculum (read our full review here) and I love love love the way they teach addition. To simplify addition, they teach children a “cheat” of sorts, where they make everything into a ten. You see, nine is a lonely number, and very jealous. He has always wanted to be a ten so he steals one to make ten. Therefore 9+5 is the same as 10+4. Where 9+5 takes some brainwork and figuring, 10+4 is an instant answer. Once children understand this concept, it’s as simple as counting backwards by one. That being said, they need to practise it until they no longer need to think through the steps of 9 stealing one to begin with. The goal here is mastery, teaching our children these addition facts so well that they don’t have to use blocks or their fingers to figure out the answers. When addition is second nature to our children, they have truly mastered it and everything else will be so much easier to build on.
All my printables are completely free and if you subscribe to my newsletter you’ll get a new freebie each week directly in your inbox! You’ll also get a free 2 week Beaver Unit Study just for subscribing! Make sure to add to your contact list to ensure your download link doesn’t disappear in your spam folder. And just for fun… post pics of your kids doing their new free addition worksheets on Instagram and tag me!
*Please note there are now three worksheets linked here, the +9, +8, and +7. More will be added so keep checking back!