I used to review curriculum, now I create it

Are you Embarrassed to Invite People Over?

I can’t tell you how many time I have heard an innocent knock on the door and my stomach drops. I look around me in desperation, taking stock of the chaos that surrounds me. I quickly stop by the mirror on the way to the door and begin to wonder if the poor person on the other end will think our house has been taken over by zombies! I feel the panic rise in my gut and I seriously consider turning off all the lights and hiding from view of the windows. I want to be more social, but the work of cleaning my house and getting it ready for company is so overwhelming that it is easier to just stay inside my little bubble. Each year I become more and more of a hermit, less and less engaged with friends, family, even neighbours. My policy is… if you don’t go outside, you can stay in your PJ’s!

Are you embarrassed to invite people over-

How to Organize Your Home: Bring on the Self Help Section!

I remember the day clearly, we were out on a double date with my sister and her hubby and we decided to go to Chapters for Starbucks and browsing (best double date, EVER!). We got talking about our shared disorganization battles and hit the self help section. We both flipped through book after book, until I happened upon Fly Lady. The cover was a bit corny, my sister and I were skeptical, but I made an impulse decision to buy it. That night when I got home, I read it from cover to cover… for real! I felt like jumping up and down and proclaiming it to the world “YES, I was living in CHOAS (Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome) and YES, I needed to stop making unrealistic expectations and start with baby steps!”

The hardest part for me, was taking it in steps. I liked it, let’s do it! I was ready to do every single step in that book from start to finish, in 1 day! I was DONE living like this, and I am an all or nothing perfectionist so I go strong or go home. The first challenge is to shine your sink. That’s it, leave the dirty dishes if you need to, just move them over and shine the sink. I can’t even begin to tell you the sense of accomplishment I had going to bed that night. And again the next morning! Yes, the rest of the house was a mess, but there was one thing, one itty bitty thing, that was done PERFECTLY! I could breathe just a little easier!

How to organize your home so you can start being more social!

Step 1: Stop what you are doing and grab the ebook.

I promise you it is a beautiful game changer. I’ll do the challenges right along side you. Don’t do it all and then peter out and lose steam. Build habits, incorporate it slowly, one step at a time!

Step 2: Go to and join the newsletter!

Just a heads up, it is a lot of e-mails, but it is designed to keep you on track for your morning, afternoon, and evening routines! Think of it as your own personal accountability partner, it is a HUGE help!

Step 3: Join us for the “How to Organize your Life in 30 Days” Challenge!
I have teamed up with some amazing bloggers to bring you 30 days to an organized life! All you need to do to join the challenge is check out the landing page HERE and start working through the challenges. You can join in at any point, there are no rules! Share your before or after pictures on Instagram and use the hashtag #30dayorganize for a chance to win a $10 gift card to Hobby Lobby (3 winners)! The more your engage on social media, share the graphic below, etc. the more entries you’ll have! The winners will be announced on Instagram so stay tuned!

How to organize your life in 30 days- plan your life with us!

Join the challenge! Take a screenshot and share this on Instagram!

Your #30DayOrganize Challenge Day 13: Shine your sink

I challenge you to shine your sink. It’s small, it’s not too crazy or out there, it is do-able, right? So head on over, empty it out (either do the dishes or don’t if you are super unmotivated today, that’s okay), fill it up with sudsy water, and scrub all around. Make is glisten in the sunlight, so that every time you look at it you can’t help but feel a little more able, a little more productive, a little more successful! Post your shiny sink pictures on Instagram with #30dayorganize and tag me (@rebeccaspoonerpg) in them so we can ooh and ahh over each other’s sparkly sinks!

I used to review curriculum, now I create it!