Journaling… this word has so much power. For many of us it brings fond memories and a way to process, de-stress, recharge. For others, it fills them with anxiety, stress, and pressure to perform. Challenges like this one can seem daunting and overwhelming if you suffer from writer’s block or what I like to refer to as “mom chaos” where you are just too busy to commit to something of this magnitude. But THIS is a different challenge. This challenge is specifically for moms and there is no pressure. It is designed to be as light and funny as you need it to be or as serious and deep as your mind wants to take it. The prompts are light, meaning they aren’t specific, in fact, I use popular parenting hashtags! This is a fun way of a) getting inspiration on Instagram (just search the hashtag and you’ll have tons of ideas) and b) us sharing our hashtags with our journal entry for the day to find it. It also is somewhat vague which (hopefully) inspires you but doesn’t lock you in to a specific thought pattern.

How to use these journal prompts
It really is one of the simplest challenges you will come across, all you need to do is take the hashtag for the day, consider what that inspires in you or what idea or thought comes to mind, and start writing. IF you are suffering from writer’s block or just can’t think of a memory (happens to me ALL. THE. TIME when I’m put on the spot) then I want you to head over to Instagram and search the hashtag. Seeing other people’s funny moments or sweet moments or hard moments are going to give you TONS of ideas, and that is exactly why I set it up this way! You are going to be learning some new hashtags to use, finding inspiration, and finding a new community of moms in the process!
Once you have your idea, just write. If it helps you, set a timer. The goal is not to fill a huge page or 2 pages, the goal is just to write for what you feel comfortable. These hashtags are very broad, for example #momlife could be something funny, something mundane and regular, or something serious. You can do with this challenge whatever you are moved to do! You do not have to share! If you aren’t comfortable sharing on Instagram (journaling can be very personal!) you can share a picture that is slightly blurred or even just a pic of you writing, or nothing at all. This challenge is not about “keeping up” or “posting regularly”. The goal here is to write together and encourage and support each other through our journeys!
Your free journal prompts
I had so much fun researching these hashtags and putting this together for you. This is a super simple printable, just one page, fold it up and put it in your journal if you’d like or make your own page with the journal prompts. I will be posting my ideas over at @rebeccaspoonerpg on Instagram so come on over and follow me if you aren’t already! Also, if you do want other people to see your posts, use the hashtag #momjournalingchallenge and tag me in your posts! This way we are building a community where we can search for each other’s posts for ideas and inspiration and to motivate one another to keep going! To download your free printable, simply put your info in the box below!
Traveler’s Notebook vs. Leuchtturm1917
Tomorrow I am going to be talking about planning in a Traveler’s Notebook vs. Leuchtturm1917. I will be completely honest about the pros and cons of each and which one I prefer as well as where you can buy them. If you haven’t already, head over and enter to giveaway for your chance to win a free, beautiful emerald Leuchtturm1917 Notebook PLUS a gold fountain pen HERE.
Did you know this is part of a 31 day series? There will be a post each day this month showcasing how I use bullet journaling, planning, hand lettering, and more! We will talk about the tools you need and I’ll review some of my pen hoard (including my brand new flex fountain pens, eeeeek!). There will be videos, pictures, hand lettering practise pages, doodle challenges, journaling prompts, some amazing giveaways, and hopefully a TON of inspiration to get you writing in your planner, whatever that may look like for you! How can you get on board?
BOOKMARK THE LANDING PAGE (that is where all the posts will be added throughout the month)
FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM (I’ll be posting the daily posts there)
USE THE HASHTAG: #PlanWithRebecca or #planninginspiration4u on Instagram for a chance to be featured on my page!
JOIN THE NEWSLETTER (if you want an short update on the latest post in your inbox)