Welcome back to another Favorite things Friday, where I invite all of you to share (via comments or by linking up your posts below) YOUR favorite things of the week.
This week has gone by in a blur, honestly, the days have all just kind of mashed together. School-wise it’s gone well, we’ve managed to get a lot accomplished. But every day is jam packed with just stuff to do and somehow I am sitting here writing another Friday post when it feels like Monday still (ahhhhh!).
Rhyme Time with Mother Goose Time
This week my favorite school moment was this awesome rhyming activity with Mother Goose Time. We have told this little rhyme a TON in our home, so the kids knew it well, but the little folding poster was a lot of fun and my 6 year old daughter decided we should make a video to share (um, hello videographer class ;)).
The kids wanted me to include THEIR favorite Mother Goose Time activity from the week, which was our Family Fun Day. The kids got to make a postcard inviting someone to Family Fun Day. We spent a lot of time reminiscing some of the best days we have had together and choosing what to draw on our invitation. Then they invited someone to the party! The younger kids invited mom and dad, but the older ones we looked up some of their cousins addresses and they learned how to address a postcard at the same time.
One of my favorite things about Mother Goose Time is how each day incorporated so many different facets of learning and that we are learning together! One activity can teach math skills, language arts, science, and more! It continues to remain our favorite part of the day and this month’s theme has been a HOOT.
Favorite things Friday
Remember, both myself and my co-host Rachel will be visiting all the posts linked up and featuring one on EACH of our blogs and social media channels! We hope this link up helps each of you out and can’t wait to read your posts!
Featured Post :
This weeks featured post is from Simply LindseyLoo titled “How to Plan Your Homeschool Year“. We’ve been talking a lot about planners this week with the Home Life and Student Planner Giveaway I have going on and this post was just so timely. I love seeing how other people plan and organize their school year, and I know you do too! Lindsey talks about how she is NOT Type A and because of that, the need to plan for her is even more important if she is going to fit everything in. She starts off by telling you HOW she plans and finishes off giving you an inside look at her daily routine. I just loved how comprehensive it was and found it a great read. Check out her post and make sure to check her out on Facebook!
Make sure to hop on over to my co-host at Simply Rachel to see her featured pick!
The Rules
1. Before you start: Put a link back or button in the bottom of the post you are linking up (or sidebar if you are using a button) – if we don’t see a link you will not be eligible to be featured so this step is important!

Come follow your hosts on Pinterest!
Hip Homeschooling
Simply Rachel
2. Link up to two posts below. Anything family friendly is welcome. Recipes, blogger posts, parenting, homeschooling, crafts and DIY, you name it just keep it G rated 😉
3. Visit a few other posts that interest you! We want to make this link up worthwhile for you to come and visit each week, this means we ALL want to see some traffic from it. So be a good sport and find out what your fellow bloggers have been up to!
4. Check in every Friday to see if you were featured on either of our blogs! If you were, grab your button below!

Got a lot on your mind?
We totally get that! Join our reminder e-mail and we’ll send you a weekly reminder when it’s time to link up/check to see if you were featured! Note this is not our newsletter subscription, just a quick reminder email so you don’t forget sent out once a week.
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OK, Enough Talk… Link Up!
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