I used to review curriculum, now I create it

#67 GODCAST: Read through the Bible with Me

Today I am so incredibly excited to be announcing the release of the completely free chronological bible reading plan that I created. This has been something God laid on my heart a few months ago that I put on the shelf but I have felt really strongly that this is supposed to happen so here it is! Most people start these in January, but we are not most people 😉 This is a grace-based plan and today’s podcast episode explains my heart behind it, my journey to this point, how to use the printable, and the importance of strategic battle plans.

I believe that God is raising up warriors within the homeschool world. I believe that He is raising up families who cling to Him, who worship Him in spirit and in truth, who are ready for solid food not just milk. I believe He is calling us into action and to train ourselves for battle and I believe that this year is going to be instrumental for many of us in that journey.

Don’t forget to join the Facebook group for weekly discussions and take a look at the flip through below if you still have questions. Our hashtag for Instagram is #gracebasedbiblereading (for the recovering type A’s like me). We can do this, you aren’t alone, this doesn’t have to be perfect, but I promise you it will be worth it!

Listen to the podcast

Download the free printable

See a flip through!

Want to see how to use it and the various sections for how you can set it up in a binder? I put mine together as a book and bound it and I’m in love with the layout and the simplicity. Check it out and comment below what you think or what you are most looking forward to this year!

I used to review curriculum, now I create it!