Today we are going to talk about scheduling our posts and compare two of the top apps to do this with: Postplanner and Coschedule. If you don’t know why you should use a post scheduler, check out my post on how I grew my blog in just 6 months!
What is Postplanner?
Postplanner is a social media scheduling app. It is accessed just on a website and you login with your Facebook profile. You can link up your Facebook profile, pages, and groups that you admin as well as your Twitter page. It is $9/month on monthly payments, $7 a month if you pay yearly, however there are often coupon codes for only $5/month (or I have found put the yearly in your cart and checkout all the way except for payment, they e-mailed me my code). That is nearly 50% off of regular price!
What sets this apart from any other scheduling app I have found is the capabilities behind the scenes. Not only can you schedule your social media posts, but you can find viral, trending content to share. This is content that is rated HIGHER by Facebooks algorithms because it is trending. This means share it on your page and your reach and engagement WILL grow! You can also follow other blogger pages on FB and Instagram and share directly from their page. This means no more trying to find where it came from! You can share directly from the source all in one place!
I use postplanner EVERY day! I schedule everything that is not a blog post and set it on my regular schedule. My reach and engagement quadrupled once I started using it and I will never EVER go back!
What is CoSchedule, how is it different from Postplanner?
CoSchedule is another scheduling app, however this one is actually a widget that is directly linked to your wordpress blog. This means that right inside wordpress, at the bottom of my posts I can schedule this blog post to be shared on all my social media. It also gives me the option to share on a lot more platforms, Google Plus and LinkedIn and I can schedule my posts before they are live, something I can’t do ahead of time on Postplanner. It is $15/month if you pay yearly or $19/month if you pay monthly. However the fact that you can work with it right within your posts is a HUGE time saver! It is just one extra step before you hit publish and your content is constantly being shared.
You can also share random posts within CoSchedule, however you don’t have access to posting from pages or finding viral content.
Which do I recommend, Postplanner or Coschedule?
Each one has their own unique features. If you have to choose one, I would choose Postplanner. I think it is cheaper and still has the capabilities to be shared in everything. I would miss prescheduling my blog posts before they are published but it IS possible to do it all in there if you are on a tight budget, you would just need to do it after you post goes live.
If you are interested in finding out more information or interested in purchasing, please use my referral links below. It won’t cost you any more but would be a HUGE help to my little blog! Thanks for stopping by and keep reading to link up your posts with Favorite things Friday!
Sign up for CoSchedule
Sign up for Postplanner
Favorite things Friday
Remember I will be visiting all the posts linked up and featuring one on my blog and social media channels! I hope this link up helps each of you out and can’t wait to read your posts!
Featured Post :
This week’s featured post is by SmartE PartE titled, “12 Circle Tot Trays”. It is a collection of 12 different circle-themed activity trays for toddlers/preschoolers. I LOVE Montessori inspired learning and these are great activities. She tells you everything you need to make your trays with lots of pictures to show you the way. Definitely worth pinning for later or sharing with a friend! Make sure to check it out! To read more simply click on the image or CLICK HERE and make sure you pop over and say hi on her Facebook page, let’s show her some like love!
The Rules
1. Before you start: Put a link back or button in the bottom of the post you are linking up (or sidebar if you are using a button) – if we don’t see a link you will not be eligible to be featured so this step is important!
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2. Link up to two posts below. Anything family friendly is welcome. Recipes, blogger posts, parenting, homeschooling, crafts and DIY, you name it just keep it G rated 😉
3. Visit a few other posts that interest you! We want to make this link up worthwhile for you to come and visit each week, this means we ALL want to see some traffic from it. So be a good sport and find out what your fellow bloggers have been up to!
4. Check in every Friday to see if you were featured on either of our blogs! If you were, grab your button below!
Got a lot on your mind?
I totally get that! Join our reminder e-mail and we’ll send you a weekly reminder when it’s time to link up/check to see if you were featured! Note this is not our newsletter subscription, just a quick reminder email so you don’t forget sent out once a week.
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OK, Enough Talk… Link Up or post in the comments your favorite moments of the week!
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