I love thrift stores and consignment stores, when we lived in the land of civilization those were the only places we shopped at for clothing for our family! It saved us literally hundreds of dollars a year, and was always a satisfying feeling to walk out of a store with bags brimming for only $100. For many months I’ve sat on my little island feeling sorry for myself that the joy of cheap clothing is lost to us, until I discovered here. ThredUP is an online consignment store, that’s right people, I said online! They sell (or you sell) high quality women’s clothing, handbags, accessories, shoes, plus girls and boys clothing at a fraction of the cost! You can order a free clean out kit to fill with your own clothing and send it back to them to start earning money! Find out more about selling your clothing here. I was so excited about this opportunity to try them out and can’t wait to share our experience with online consignment store shopping with you! Read on and don’t forget to pin this on your fashion board!

An Online Consignment Store that Only Sells Quality!
Through my love of thrift stores and shopping on a budget, I have learned the hard way that all used clothing is not created equal. For example, the clothing I buy second hand for my kids is a far cry from the clothing we have to donate (er, throw away) after my kids have out-played them. I can’t tell you how many times we went to a thrift store, giddy with our money saving skills, only to discover little holes or marks on the clothing that we had missed in our excitement. My number 1 favorite thing about ThredUP is that they do all that work for you. They inspect each clothing item, they don’t take over-stretched, cheap brands. The don’t accept or sell items that are stained or ruined, they disclose to you the quality of the items you are buying and you can return them if you aren’t totally happy with your purchase or find they don’t fit!
So… what you’re saying is I can sit at home in my pajamas, with no change rooms and screaming kids, and be guaranteed that I am getting amazing quality????
Hence why I am shouting it from the rooftops! It is just THAT life changing! When we received our box, the first thing that stood out to me was the packaging. Each silk shirt and little dress was folded up to perfection and gently taped with tissue paper (and let me tell you silk ain’t that easy to fold!). The girls and I sequestered ourself in a room, away from the boys, to ooooh and aaaah over our finds. We were not disappointed. Here is a look at my daughter’s with their new spring dresses. Each dress averaged around $10, and these are designer brands!
Make Your Dollar Go Further with this Online Consignment Store!
The prices are honestly almost cheaper than Value Village, and the quality is incomparable. There are literally hundreds of items to choose from and more added every day! It is free shipping within the US over $79 and free returns if it doesn’t work for you. There really is no downside to this online consignment store and I have been so impressed, I can’t wait to put in my next order! One more pic of one of my favorite shirts, this one is silk and I am in love!
Grab your $10 credit just for your free sign up HERE. You can also find ThredUP on Instagram or Facebook to find out more information or just connect. Send them a message and tell them I sent you! They are super helpful and I know you’ll be happy with your order! If you do shop there, tag me on Instagram in YOUR pics of your finds! I want to drool over them with you! Find me on Instagram here.