I used to review curriculum, now I create it

How we are Combining Unit Study and Charlotte Mason Homeschooling!

What if I told you that you could teach your kids Science, Bible, Art, Writing, Reading, History, Geography, and Culture with a single curriculum — all with a Charlotte Mason approach? I am so excited to introduce you to WinterPromise: an incredible curriculum publishing company that is open-and-go and one of my all time favorites. […]

The Master Homeschool Curriculum List

The Homeschool Curriculum list is here! WITH LINKS! Your one stop click ‘n’ shop! Come and browse for your homeschool curriculum needs! If you read my How to Start Homeschooling post you might be wondering “what’s next?” You know what school you want to go with, you know what method most fits you, and now you […]

I used to review curriculum, now I create it!