When did being “just a mom” become so unacceptable in our society?
This last week I designed some cute little first day of school signs. They are bright and fun and have a space for you to write the answer to that adorable little question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Well, we printed them off and cut them out and I sat down with my 3 year old to fill hers in. Her answers were so sweet and precious, I wrote them down word for word, “When I grow up I want to be a mom and have my own computer, and blog and school room and books and kids!” When my son asked her how many kids she wanted, she shouted, “10!”
In our culture, being “just a mom” is settling. I mean, you could have an actual, real-life career!

What you DO for a living defines you.
In today’s mindset, your job defines you. It is asked on every form you fill out and in any social gathering. Have you ever felt embarrassed to say you are a stay at home mom? I have! And not without good cause! I feel slightly embarrassed because over the years the reactions are derogatory, condescending, and judgemental! That is ALL I do????? I have been in some social settings where every other woman is a successful career-woman and once they find out I’m a stay at home mom they just ignore me.
They are buffered by their degrees, their experience, they have something of value to offer the world. I am just a naive hick, having far too many babies and ignorant. Right?
I feel sorry for career driven family women.
I used to get offended. I used to feel embarrassed and self-conscious. Now, I feel sorry for those women. Being home with my children every day, homeschooling them, not missing out on any of their moments is the greatest blessing of my life. I get to teach my children what matters to me, I get to help them with their weaknesses and build up their strengths.
I know not everyone can be a stay at home mom. Not everyone can homeschool and I am aware of the great blessing that it is. In today’s economy, living on one income is difficult, and for some, impossible. But I am not speaking to those women, I am talking to the ones who have mocked me or made me feel inferior because I don’t have a degree or doctorate. For the women who have judged me for being “just” a stay at home mom, I say to you…
My children are my full time career. I pour my heart, soul, energy, blood, sweat and tears into my kids. There is NOTHING I would rather be doing!
Have you been judged for being a stay-at-home mom?
If you have been or are feeling judged for your decision to stay home with your kids or to homeschool them, I hope you found some encouragement here. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world, right? I think we will look back on this decision and have not one single regret about it, I doubt everyone else will be able to say the same.
And if you ARE that career driven woman, please don’t judge us! We are not dumb because we didn’t go to college or don’t have a 6-figure income telling us otherwise, we are offering the MOST valuable thing to society… the next generation! I know that you don’t have it easy leaving your kids, I know that you come home exhausted and still have mom life to do. I know that you work hard and have pressures and stress on you all the time. I know that you are smart and driven and full of ambition. Both sides have their great pressures and yet great rewards and I hope that the next time we see each other, there will be more understanding between our two viewpoints.
#bridgethegap #nomorejudgement #amomisamom