History for kids can oftentimes be boring and dry. Kids are interested in what applies to them now, and something that happened in a time they can’t picture just doesn’t register on the scale. I recently stumbled upon an amazing subscription company called History Unboxed. I am going to show you 3 ways to bring history to life in your homeschool, so don’t forget to pin this for later!

1. History for Kids Brought to Life with a Timeline!
Inside each monthly subscription box, you will receive a timeline sticker to put on your timeline. As you learn about different times in ancient history, you can assemble your timeline and help your children visually understand when these events were happening. You can either use these on your own timeline or purchase the timeline directly from History Unboxed.
2. History for Kids Brought to Life with Crafts and Activities!
As you learn about the culture of the time, your family get’s to make a few crafts. This is by far my favorite aspect of this history curriculum. We received the box about ancient Babylon and were able to make our own clay tablet as well as a cylinder seal. We also made our own soap which was a ton of fun for the kids and something we had never done before. I was surprised to see that the box contained literally everything I needed, even regular household items such as a little dish for the soap to harden in or wax paper. It meant there was no running to the store, we opened the box and were able to start immediately using exactly what we were given.

Our homemade bar of soap (we dyed it orange and put some orange zest in it).
I loved watching my kids do these crafts and activities, but I loved listening to them recount them later to their dad even more! They were retaining the lesson! It took something removed and out of their scope of understanding and applied it to them in a relatable way! They remembered it, they were interested in it, they were even excited about it!
With a large family, I loved how we could use the kit with all the children. We made the soap together as a family, we took turns decorating our clay tablet and smoothing it out to try again. We got to participate in a lesson, despite all the different learning levels, and each gain something out of it (yes, even me). It was easy to use and a ton of fun!

learning about seals and making our own clay tablet
3. History for Kids Brought to Life with a Fun Story!
Each month your box will include a historical story to help your children learn about the culture of the time. In the ancient Babylon box, we received an interactive choose-a-story that the kids LOVED! There were a TON of different options in this little story and we were able to go around the table (twice) and each choose different paths to see what kind of story we could create. We learned about Hammurabi’s Code and discussed the laws of the time. We talked about if we thought those laws were fair and what WE would do if we could make laws. It was so fun hearing my kids’ response and watching them really receive the lesson and apply it to their own lives.

Our choose your story this month.
How to get History Unboxed sent to your home.
If you have been looking for engaging ancient history for kids to add to your homeschool, this subscription box is highly recommended over here! My kids are already asking when we’ll be receiving another box! The regular monthly subscription is $29.97 a month and includes everything you need as either a standalone history program or as a fun supplement. You can use the exclusive coupon code hiphomeschool to get 5% off and enter to win a free month below!