Bible journaling doesn’t have to be complicated, yet I think sometimes we focus so much on the beauty that it CAN be that we miss the purpose behind it. While it can be an act of worship and creative expression to draw, paint, or scrapbook these artistic pages, the goal is to meditate on the word of God. Quite frankly, it can be as simple as writing out the word of God, taking the time to reflect on what you are reading and focusing on what it means to you. The more time you spend in God’s word, the more it changes you. That is a Biblical concept: We are called to be transformed us by the renewing of our mind (Eph 4:23), to meditate on God’s word day and night (Josh 1:8) because it is alive and active (Heb 4:12). For those of you who are totally overwhelmed by the act of Bible journaling because you think it has to be complicated or you are not artistic enough for it… this post is for you! Come take a look at how you can do bible journaling in a notebook.

What is scripture journaling?
Scripture journaling is essentially copying the word of God. All you need for this is a notebook, a pen, and your Bible. You simply spend time reflecting on the passages as you read and write them. The act of reading, and then physically writing it out helps cement the words in your mind and heart. You can do this either just writing out certain scriptures that you might be doing in your devotions, or you can do entire books of the Bible! My goal is to write out the entire Bible one day, how amazing would it be to have a handwritten Bible to pass down through the generations?!?!? (If you are joining me on this lofty goal, get a good notebook with acid-free paper and a permanent marker pen that will stand the test of time).
The benefit of Bible journaling in a notebook is that you avoid writing in your Bible, which some people struggle with, you can add notes or commentaries throughout as they speak to you, and you can even write out different passages in different translations to give you a parallel Bible notebook! I personally have a leather Traveler’s Notebook that I had custom made with a stunning lion etched onto the front and “Behold the lion of the tribe of Judah” inscribed on the front cover. I got it over here on Etsy, and you can get 10% off with coupon code: hiphomefun.
My inspiration for this month’s Bible journaling
This month I decided to start with 1 Peter because there were a number of passages from it in my new Illustrated Faith devotional kit, “Rise Up.” As part of the blogger program, I get the new kits each month and use them as my inspiration for my devotions that month. Each kit comes with supplies and a 2 week devotional booklet and motivates me to open my Bible and dig in to the word of God.
This month’s kit was no different. The kit comes with:
-washi tape
-zippered pouch
-tip-ins or bookmarks (depending on how you use them)
-magnetic bookmark
-cardboard cut outs
-2 week devotional
Every month features a different person (or in some cases multiple people) and different art so no two kits are the same! The focus of this month’s kit is to call us to Rise up, to step out in faith, to passionately pursue a life worthy of the calling we have received. It is a kit that will draw you up off that couch and out into action! The kits are only $30 and it is not a subscription, you can purchase the ones that speak to you or purchase them when you are inspired or can fit it into the budget. There are a TON of different kits and Bible journaling supplies available on their site and it is my go to for most of what I have in my journaling and planning drawers!
A Call
I am not going to call you out and tell you that you need these kits, though I know that they can inspire and help you build your supplies and motivate you to pursue Jesus, they are not Jesus himself, and if it is not in the budget… just pull out your Bible and get started, dive in! But I AM going to call you out to rise up and seek the heart of God. Maybe that is in quelling your frustration with your messy house and serving your family without a martyr attitude (I think I’m talking to myself here!), maybe it is to call that friend who has been on your heart and have them over for coffee. YOU know what God is asking you to do, and if you don’t, you will only discover it as you spend time in His presence, and are transformed by the (daily) renewing of your mind. So go be renewed my friend!
If you need something to help you plan out your devotional times, as well as your daily life, the team over at Illustrated Faith has come to the rescue yet again. Currently, their new daily planners are just around the corner, and you can sign up to get notified when they are released HERE. I have been so inspired. They are beautiful agendas that begin in July 2017 and end December 2018. Simple, pretty, with Bible verses and lots of space to plan your life, you’ll want to check them out! I’ll be doing a video flip through on my Instagram so come find me over there by clicking HERE and scroll through until you see them.