Today I am going to give you some great ideas for a fun ocean unit study plus an awesome free printable! If your kids are interested in the ocean, you’ll want to pin this post for reference!

Make Your Own Ocean Whale Blow Art
What kid doesn’t like ooey-gooey, messy-ewwwy paint???? Something about pulling out all the paintbrushes (and washing them afterwards) and the streaks of paint that adorn my table, chairs, counters, and floor make me die a little bit inside. Last year we were doing a preschool curriculum called Mother Goose Time with the kids and one of the activities was to paint our whales using blow art. We used some straws and cut out blue whales and the kids had so much fun blowing the paint and creating fun designs and splatters. Afterwards they used their straws and attached a little blue piece of tissue paper to the top. If you use a single hole punch you can put the straw through and create a fun little water “spout” that the kids can move up and down.
We love art that can also be used for play and this craft sure didn’t disappoint! The kids played with their whales for hours making puppet shows and creating their own “ocean” using blankets on the floor.
Make Your Own Octopus “Wind Socks.”
Making your own octopus wind sock is easy. You’ll need a piece of paper (cardstock is ideal to hold up to little fingers and glue), glue/tape/stapler, scissors and embellishments. Get your kids to cut upward lines on a piece of paper as it is laying horizontally, but only half way up. Then curl your short sides of the paper together and fasten them. We even used notebook paper hole punch stickers to create our own little suction cups on the legs afterwards! This craft is SUPER easy though you can make it more complex! When you are done, attach a piece of string or yarn and hang it up over your kids’ beds. They will enjoy watching their artwork sway with the wind of an open window or fan and can learn some fun things about the ocean at the same time!
Get Your Free Ocean Coloring Pages Printable!
I wanted to create something fun for my littles who love coloring that went along with our ocean theme this week. ALL my kids love coloring and I find it a great thing to keep hands busy so that their minds are ready to learn. This week I put coloring together with spelling/language arts. The kids get to color a picture but they have to write their names and the name of the ocean creature. You can either break this up into 1 day for each sheet if your kids love being detailed or you can do them all at once.
To get your own ocean coloring pages, simply put your name and email into this form and check your email! Make sure to add to your contact list so it doesn’t go to your junk folder!
[wp_eStore_free_download_squeeze_form id=13 ]