Hello, my name is Rebecca and I am a planner addict. I mean really, true story, I have bought EVERY. SINGLE. PLANNER I come across. I love to plan! I love paper! I love schedules! I love pretty things! I am a complete and total sucker for a new planner, I simply cannot resist. However, I am the WORST kind of all or nothing person. I mean, do it ALL to perfection, or throw it away kind of OCD person. So I have planners lining my shelves with a month of beautiful plans and the rest nearly empty. I lose momentum, don’t meet my plans and goals, and can’t bear to be reminded every time I open my planner of all the things we didn’t do.
When I was selected to review Homeschool Planet by Homeschool Buyers Co-op, I was intrigued (I mean, they had me at planner!). I had never heard of it before and went over to watch their intro video found HERE. I’ll admit, I was still a bit skeptical. Would it have enough features to keep me coming back week after week? Was it worth the money? Read this full review and check out the video to see just how awesome this online planner is!
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Check out this video review of Homeschool Planet Online Planner! Tweet This!

What is Homeschool Planet? Why Choose an Online Planner?
Homeschool Planet is an online planner designed for homeschoolers. The features of this online planner are so customizable and there is such a broad range of functions that it simply cannot compare with a traditional paper planner.
It is $65 for the year or you can sign up on a monthly basis at $6.95 a month. There is a 30 day free trial (you don’t even have to enter a credit card!) and if you decide to purchase all your information will be transferred over to your paid account so make sure you head over and sign up for your FREE TRIAL!
You can use it on your mac or windows computer or mobile devices (from your browser) over the internet. It is easy to use, works for any family size, and will blow your mind! Check out the top ten features below!
Top 10 Features of this Online Planner
1. 3 Different Views
-Resources (list all your resources/print them).
-Calendar (by week, by student, etc.).
-Planner (your schedule).
2. Add the entire family (including yourself/husband).
-Create a profile, classes, appointments, information, pictures, etc.
3. Input Cell and E-mail.
-Put in your (or your husbands/childs) e-mail or cell phone and you can send regular digests of what is happening.
4. Sync a Calendar
-Sync your google calendar INTO Homeschool Planet.
-Sync your Homeschool Planet calendar OUT to Google or iCal.
5. Add Classes/Assignments with a click!
-Set up for one student or all.
-Set up certain days or all days.
-Set up with resources you will be using (and how long they will take!).
-Input your assignments for each day or one assignment into each day.
6. Create Shopping Lists/To Do Lists!
-Create a To-Do List and text/e-mail DIRECTLY TO THE PERSON!
-Create a shopping list (organize it by store) and text or e-mail directly to yourself or your husband! Or print it off separated by store! (Boo ya baby!)
7. Create a Login (Great for older children/husband).
-They can log in and see their assignments, check off their list, etc.
8. Rescheduling Helper.
-With ONE click of a button, you can reschedule all your overdue assignments or take the day off from school.
9. Grading.
-Set up grades, how you will be grading (pass/fail, A/B/C, what percentages), etc.
10. Reports.
-Print off your daily assignments/weekly assignments
-Create class lists/resource lists/grade lists/etc.
BONUS 11: Resources (couldn’t help it).
-Input your websites with username and passwords, your child can click on the URL and use their log in information! Woot woot!
Watch the Online Planner Review of Homeschool Planet on YouTube!
Check out how it actually works in this YouTube review, make sure to hit subscribe!
So… Does Homeschool Planet get the official Seal of Approval as an online planner??????
Heck to the ya! I am so ramped up about this planner, I can hardly wait to be using it more regularly in the fall! I am so impressed with how it can be used, their customer service is amazing, it wasn’t hard to figure out, and we plan on using it for years to come!
Seriously, stop what you’re doing and CLICK HERE to try your free trial! I bet you anything you won’t want your trial to end!
Looking to connect with Homeschool Planet? Find them at their social media channels below and make sure to say hello!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/homeschoolbuyers
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hsbuyerscoop
Google+: https://plus.google.com/112069021534542740249/about
Want to hear more? Make sure to head over and check out all the other awesome reviews over at the Schoolhouse Review Crew HERE.