Are you starting homeschooling and feeling completely overwhelmed? Don’t panic! Grab a cup of coffee, a pen and paper, and come make a plan with me on what to use for curriculum, how to understand and teach your child successfully, and more!
1. Before you do anything, check out this post, “How to Get Started Homeschooling,” by clicking HERE or on the image below! This is my top post and the first one you should start with.
2. The Master Homeschool Curriculum List is number two on my list. Once you are a bit more comfortable of what your state/provincial requirements are, you need to figure out what curriculum suits you. This is a master list with links so you can just click and check it out! CLICK HERE or on the image to take a peek at that page!
3. Now that you have an idea of what kind of curriculum is out there, the next step is to choose what will work best for your family. Before you take the jump (it is a HUGE investment and it sucks to make a mistake), check out this post on Choosing Curriculum and the top 5 questions you need to ask before you make any big purchases. CLICK HERE or on the image to see that post!
4. Now, the biggest and BEST resource I can offer to new (and not so new) homeschoolers is the Learning Style Quiz. I put together a simple and accurate learning style quiz to help you determine your children’s learning styles. I ALSO have a post on the best way to target your homeschooling to each child’s learning style and the top resources/curriculum I recommend along the way. Start with the learning style quiz by CLICKING HERE (or the image) and take a look at the links within the article to find out the best way to teach your child!
Do you have a visual learner? CLICK HERE!
Do you have an auditory learner? CLICK HERE!
Do you have a kinesthetic learner? CLICK HERE!
5. If you are just floundering, take a look at our 2015/2016 curriculum picks. We have tried a TON of curriculum and every year it is different, but this is what we are using this year:
So there you have it, my top posts for new homeschoolers in ONE PLACE (finally) 😉 I hope you find it helpful, now scroll down to the comments and tell me your favorite thing from the week and make sure to check out our featured post from last week’s linkup!
Favorite things Friday
Remember, both myself and my co-host Rachel will be visiting all the posts linked up and featuring one on EACH of our blogs and social media channels! We hope this link up helps each of you out and can’t wait to read your posts!
Featured Post :
This week’s featured post is by Wondermom Wannabe titled, “Family Meeting Planner“. It is a free meeting planner printable and ideas of how to implement it into your family’s routine. I have been following her blog for some time now and couldn’t help but share this resourceful post! We will ABSOLUTELY be implementing the Family Meetings, I love how the kids are involved in setting the weekly goals/schedule and even meal plan! Make sure you pop over and say hi on her Facebook page HERE.
Make sure to hop on over to my co-host at Simply Rachel to see her featured pick!
The Rules
1. Before you start: Put a link back or button in the bottom of the post you are linking up (or sidebar if you are using a button) – if we don’t see a link you will not be eligible to be featured so this step is important!

Come follow your hosts on Pinterest!
Hip Homeschooling
Simply Rachel
2. Link up to two posts below. Anything family friendly is welcome. Recipes, blogger posts, parenting, homeschooling, crafts and DIY, you name it just keep it G rated 😉
3. Visit a few other posts that interest you! We want to make this link up worthwhile for you to come and visit each week, this means we ALL want to see some traffic from it. So be a good sport and find out what your fellow bloggers have been up to!
4. Check in every Friday to see if you were featured on either of our blogs! If you were, grab your button below!

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OK, Enough Talk… Link Up!
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