When I first held my beautiful little boy with his soft, smooth, baby skin… I had no idea the challenges that we would face only a few months later. As our little boy grew, his skin changed from soft and smooth to rough and scaly. He was covered in bumpy patches, dry patches, constantly got rashes, and had regular skin irritation. As a first time mom, I felt at a complete loss! I took him to the doctor and dermatologist where I was given prescriptions for a variety of different creams to help clear up his skin. We tried not bathing him as often, we tried natural creams and salves, always looking for a natural remedy for eczema… nothing seemed to work. Now that that little boy is 8, he still has rough patches and bumps all over his skin that he has learned to just live with as a normal part of growing up. But it isn’t normal, and I can’t help but feel like I am missing something.
A few months ago, I heard about Pure Hazelwood™ for the first time. Pure Hazelwood is a Canadian company that creates 100% pure . therapeutic, beautiful products for the whole family! Their claims are backed by extensive research through which they discovered that hazelwood is rich in polyphenols. Polyphenols are molecules that are known for their antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effects. After browsing through their website and reading through some of the testimonials, I saw that many people had had HUGE success using the products as a natural remedy for eczema. I was intrigued and my son excitedly chose his angry birds necklace from the online store.

How Hazelwood Works as a Natural Remedy for Eczema and other Health Problems.
The necklace is 14″ and designed for children 4-10 years (there are numerous size options available on the website). It is sturdy and the clasp is well made. The angry birds pendant gave the necklace a personal touch and my son hasn’t wanted to take it off since we received it. Each day I feel my son’s arms where the rough patches are the worst. Each day I have noticed a marked improvement. After only two weeks, his skin is nearly cleared up. He no longer complains about itchy skin at all! In our house, our hazelwood necklace has proved to be an effective natural remedy for eczema, I can’t wait to try one for myself and my toddler!
Pure Hazelwood products are made of 100% natural hazelwood from the Canadian Boreal forest using high quality materials that are built for safety and longevity. They sell a complete line of hazelwood therapeutic products including a TON of baby and adult necklaces and bracelets as well as skin care products (lotion and ointment). Their products help to relieve symptoms related to inflammation, including: teething, pain, colic, arthritis (joint pain), skin problems (psoriasis, eczema, acne), digestive disorders (heartburn) and more! Each stylish necklace/bracelet lasts between 6-12 months before you need to buy another one and the prices are very reasonable!
Find out more information about this natural remedy for eczema!
If you are looking to try some Pure Hazelwood products for yourself, you can find them in many pharmacies, online, health food stores, and baby boutiques.
If you want to know more about using hazelwood as a natural remedy for eczema or other condition, check out Pure Hazelwood on their social media:
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Pure Hazelwood Influence Central Contest
“Disclosure: I am part of the Pure Hazelwood Influencer Campaign and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.”