I am not a runner. I want to be a runner. I am kind of like run stalker, you know, in that I’m a walker 😉 I have talked to a few runners in my day, explaining that I get dizzy, blackout, chest pain. I mean, when I run, my body starts to shut down… […]
How I Create a Meal Plan and Grocery List in 20 Minutes a Week!
Have you ever gone to the grocery store and just walked up and down the aisles with a blank look on your face? Do you spend more than you should on incomplete ingredients that you feel like go to waste and you can’t do anything with? You hear about meal planning and maybe, like me, […]
5 Amazing Systems to Help You Conquer the Laundry Chaos for Good
The laundry heap, the mountain, the never ending chaos that hides in the corners of our bedrooms and stacks up in the far reaches of our basements. We’ve all been behind on laundry, however there are some of us who can’t ever seem to catch up. I have fallen into that category! With 5 children, […]
How To Get It All Done and Plan Your Day
The number one question I am asked, hands down, is “how do I get it all done?” How do I blog and work and homeschool and clean my home and cook and spend time with my husband and have time to shave my legs once in a while too!?!?!?! Today I am going to show […]
How to Organize Your Life in 30 Days
Do you feel like you are drowning in to do lists, laundry, and dishes? Does lack of organization cause you to lose your patience or avoid having people over? Are you often late because you can’t find what you are looking for? As mom’s, we all have a lot on our minds and life is […]
5 excellent ways to keep a clean house while homeschooling
Homeschooling is a difficult task but having to keep a clean house at the same time can be very daunting. Check out these 5 practical tips to keep a clean house and stick to them in your daily schooling and household activities. Make your homeschool day more efficient and less stressful today! 1. Involve your […]
Organize your Homeschool and Life with this 1 Powerful Tool…
As a homeschool mom to five young children… I have had my days (possibly months) of utter chaos; days when I wanted to quit. Weeks when I felt like I was hanging on by a thread, when I have questioned what I am doing and why I am doing it! Have you been there? […]
5 Reasons my House is a Mess when You Come Over
Many people have asked me how I keep my house clean with 5 young children, the short answer… I don’t. Every day is a battleground with me: the vacuum, the dish pile, and the laundry pile. Every day I go through my lists and tidy up the random chaos of my home. And yet every […]
Homeschool Organization: The Workbox System
If you are reading this you might be like me: looking for a strong smack of inspiration to hit you in the face. Homeschooling can be monotonous. It is the same thing in and out. It is tiring, at times boring. And I am CONSTANTLY re-evaluating and re-inspiring myself. Sometimes that means getting together with another […]