I used to review curriculum, now I create it

#41: More than Homeschool Survival


One of the awesome things about being a blogger is that companies send me free stuff and even pay me to review their products! Sometimes they pay me a small percentage by affiliate links to track their sales while other times they just send me free product to show and try. This is part of how I support my blog but I want to make sure you know that I turn down 10 times more people than I accept because I only choose products that I would personally buy and recommend. This post is sponsored in one of those ways. For more info read my disclosure policy. And if you think this sounds like a pretty sweet gig, come on over and let me teach you how to do what I do in my blogging course or one of my other courses by clicking here.

Featuring Julie Bogart from Brave Writer: learn more about her amazing new book, a free 90 page resource PLUS some practical tips to help you go beyond homeschool survival and make homeschooling more than you even imagined it could be!

Featuring Julie Bogart from Brave Writer: learn more about her amazing new book, a free 90 page resource PLUS some practical tips to help you go beyond homeschool survival and make homeschooling more than you even imagined it could be!

#40 Dealing with Homeschool Anger

Have you ever felt angry? Frustrated? Impatient? Irritated? DONE with homeschooling? Parenting is hard enough on its own but with the mounting pressures and responsibilities of homeschooling, it can be a volcano waiting to erupt. Some days are harder than others, some are easier. Sometimes you have a good strong streak and all of a […]

#39 Dealing with Homeschool Doubt

How do I know it’s enough? Should I add more? What if I miss something? What are kids learning at this age? The questions swirl in our minds and instead of walking forward in confidence that we know our children best, we are frozen with insecurity. Homeschool doubt is a real thing and today’s podcast […]

5 Steps to an Organized Homeschool Day


One of the awesome things about being a blogger is that companies send me free stuff and even pay me to review their products! Sometimes they pay me a small percentage by affiliate links to track their sales while other times they just send me free product to show and try. This is part of how I support my blog but I want to make sure you know that I turn down 10 times more people than I accept because I only choose products that I would personally buy and recommend. This post is sponsored in one of those ways. For more info read my disclosure policy. And if you think this sounds like a pretty sweet gig, come on over and let me teach you how to do what I do in my blogging course or one of my other courses by clicking here.

“How do you stay so organized?” people ask (only because they don’t know me). “How do you get it all done in a day with 5 kids when I can’t seem to do it with 2?!?” I know they are searching for answers, the secret to a successful day. Reality is always so much less […]

#38 10 Things Homeschoolers Wish Their Kids Knew

I have seen the posts: What homeschoolers wish their friends knew, 5 things homeschoolers want you to know, etc. etc. But I have never seen one from a mom to her homeschooled child and that needs to change. I mean, I don’t really care what my friends or acquaintances think but I DO care (a […]

#37 Real Life Homeschool Chat

Some days I come to sit at my computer with no agenda. In the past when I didn’t know what to talk about I would walk past my podcast mic. Each week I watched the dust settle and each week the emails trickled in, “Where was I?” This year I am attempting to go for […]

Why Online Homeschooling is Becoming More Popular


One of the awesome things about being a blogger is that companies send me free stuff and even pay me to review their products! Sometimes they pay me a small percentage by affiliate links to track their sales while other times they just send me free product to show and try. This is part of how I support my blog but I want to make sure you know that I turn down 10 times more people than I accept because I only choose products that I would personally buy and recommend. This post is sponsored in one of those ways. For more info read my disclosure policy. And if you think this sounds like a pretty sweet gig, come on over and let me teach you how to do what I do in my blogging course or one of my other courses by clicking here.

It is no long breaking news that homeschooling is on the rise. Every year more and more families choose to educate their children at home. The reasons are diverse and individual: everything from bullying, to problems with teachers or classmates, falling behind, what is being taught in schools, faith, work situations, and more. Once considered […]

#36 When You’re In a Homeschool Rut

Welcome to season 5! I know, it’s been a while, but that is why my very first episode of the season is all about being in a rut. Today’s episode is for the mom who doesn’t feel motivated. Or maybe she feels like her kids aren’t motivated. Whether you are starting off homeschooling for the […]

If My Kids Take Only 1 Thing from Homeschooling…


One of the awesome things about being a blogger is that companies send me free stuff and even pay me to review their products! Sometimes they pay me a small percentage by affiliate links to track their sales while other times they just send me free product to show and try. This is part of how I support my blog but I want to make sure you know that I turn down 10 times more people than I accept because I only choose products that I would personally buy and recommend. This post is sponsored in one of those ways. For more info read my disclosure policy. And if you think this sounds like a pretty sweet gig, come on over and let me teach you how to do what I do in my blogging course or one of my other courses by clicking here.

There are leaders, there are followers, and then there are rebels. I happen to be of the latter category. When I see something trending, I take a long time to hop on the bandwagon, just because I can. I prefer to wait and see if it is worth my attention before I run with it, […]

I Never Realized It Was Over Until It Was

Well, it happened. That moment of self-realization as a parent that everyone talks about, and yet still it caught me completely off guard. It was late at night, the rest of the kids were already in bed and I was up with my older two who are now 10 and 11 years old. My son, […]

5 Reasons Your Child May Be Falling Behind…

I’ll never forget the worry, the anxiety, the stress of having my children evaluated. I was a young homeschool mom, full of answers and goals and dreams and hopes for my homeschool and the rubber was about to hit the road. All our failures, struggles, and weak spots were about to be exposed. Would my […]

#35 How We Do Spelling Out of the Box

I love lists, when I am writing out all the things I need to do and getting my brain on paper. Those lists mean something to me, they have context and a purpose. Spelling lists on the other hand are purposeful boredom. I get the strategy behind them, but let’s face it, if our generation […]

I Suck at Homeschooling

Here’s the deal, I know you come to me for answers because I’m a homeschool blogger. Because I post pictures of our days and you think, “Clearly, she must know more than me.” Sure, I have some experience under my belt, I know the styles and the routines and the curriculum but the reality is… […]

#34 What We Are Using for Homeschool Math Curriculum

Homeschool Math curriculum has never ceased to amaze me, both in good and bad ways. There is SO. MUCH. OUT. THERE. At my most recent flip through of homeschool books I even saw a math curriculum built around horses (say what?!?!?! don’t ask me what it was, I don’t remember, but it exists!). I get […]

#33 When They Are Behind Part 2

Truth bomb: not every child learns at the same rate. Individual development, interests, learning challenges, and personality all play in to the pace that learning happens! Society takes the highs and lows of our children’s intelligence and draws an arbitrary line in the middle that is “normal”. But it really isn’t normal for anyone, it’s […]

#32 Help! I’m Not Ready!

I love fall, I love the start of school, I love the smell of new books and the neatly organized books on the shelves. It is a blank slate of possibilities, another chance to do things differently. And yet this year as I look in my sty of a school room, where books are haphazardly […]

#31 Minimalist Homeschooling (Part 1)

Minimalist homeschooling is a term that can have such a range of meaning that we’re going to, for the sake of time and sanity, consider it a rabbit hole. For one person it might mean cutting back for another it might mean using no curriculum at all! There are extremes and endless variances, but that […]

#30 How to Actually Like Homeschooling

Homeschooling can be daunting, overwhelming, challenging, and wonderful all at the same time. Sometimes we become so bogged down (especially this time of year) with curriculum that we neglect to plan out how that is going to look in practise. In today’s podcast episode, we dive into your homeschool day. I share 6 practical tips […]

JUST a Homeschool Mom

It never ceases to amaze me how we view ourselves through the lens of the labels affixed to us. Over time, perhaps a combination of repetition and acceptance, we limit the scope of who we are. We begin to believe that how we are viewed and described or what we DO defines us. And while […]

My Story Review: Elementary Social Studies Curriculum

When I first saw My Story on the Masterbooks website, I was intrigued. Something about the title: a Social Studies curriculum about world and culture and yet relating it all to my child and how it impacts them. This has been an educational value of mine for some time… creating connection with the lessons so […]

My Biggest Homeschool Struggle

Have you noticed that people don’t like to talk about their homeschool struggles? It’s like somehow it makes us look weak or not-sufficient or it gives homeschooling a bad name. We all sit in our houses trying to do our best and it can be pretty lonely if you don’t have someone that you can […]

Charlotte Mason Canadian Social Studies K-5

I have a problem. I live in Canada where history is different from what most traditional curriculum (written in the US) teaches. There are very few options for Canadians, the main one being Donna Ward, who has put together complete packages to help cover topics that are supposed to be taught up here in the […]

What You Need to Know Before Buying Curriculum

It’s curriculum buying season and the number one question on everybody’s mind is: “What should I choose?” I talk a lot about curriculum on my blog but today I wanted to specifically address what we need to know and how we can create a brief, big-picture “plan” of our days to help us identify, before […]

What We Are Using for Homeschool Curriculum 2018-2019

The number one question I get asked isn’t what I recommend for curriculum, it is what we are using (the ultimate vote of confidence, right?). Of all the homeschool curriculum I have tried and reviewed, what are we settled on for this coming school year and why? Before I share that, let me explain a […]

When They’re Falling Behind…

Falling behind… this is a little bit of an undercurrent in the homeschool world. It exists, but it is clearly not talked about. There are supposed to be three camps in homeschooling: the gifted children, the struggling children, and the average children. Clearly the average children are still above average because of the simple fact […]

The Ultimate Homeschool Math Comparison

Shopping for homeschool math curriculum can be daunting. Everywhere you look someone has a different recommendation and let’s face it, homeschool moms are passionate about their curriculum! Bring to base your decision off of what you can gather online is time consuming and can feel stressful when you don’t really know for certain if that […]

Planning Your Homeschool Year

Planning is one of my favourite topics to write about because I LOVE LOVE LOVE planning. I love pulling out my planner (together with it’s partner in crime, coffee), the feel of the soft leather in my hands and the weight of all my dreams and vision and goals carried within the pages. I love […]

A Day in the Life of a Blogging Homeschool Mom

Curious to know the kind of chaos that exists behind the doors of this blog? What does my personal life look like? How do I fit it all in? Well, or starters, you’re going to have a pretty good idea when I introduce my podcast episode with my OLD title instead of my new one. […]

How I Bring Picture Study Into My Homeschool

Art appreciation, attention to detail, increased focus and attention, these are just some of the benefits of bringing art and picture studies into your homeschool! Come see how we do it on our homeschool day!  What is a picture study? For the Charlotte Mason homeschooler, a picture study is a comprehensive framework of art appreciation. […]

My Number 1 Secret in My Homeschool Day

I have never made it a secret that I don’t have it all together. In fact, if anything, I struggle with this whole blogging world of homeschoolers. Feeling like I don’t possibly fit in with their immaculate school rooms and organized little desks and clean kitchen tables. Here I sit, homeschooling my 5 kids, an […]

I used to review curriculum, now I create it!